PAGE 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS DECEMBER 17, 1970 TERRACE BAY ST, MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev, A. Gvore SUNDAY MASS - 9,00, 10,30 A.M. and 7.00 P.M, WEEKDAY MASS - 6,30 P.M. CONFESSION ~ 7 « 8 P.M. = SATURDAY COMMUNITY CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE = II A.M. ANGLICAN COMMUNION - 3rd Sundey each month et 4,00 P.M, ROSSPORT ST. BERCHMAN!S CHURCH MASS - Every Monday at 7 P.M. SCHREIBER ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Reve A.L. Chabot ?® SUNDAY SERVICE = Ist and 3rd Sunday each month at 7 P.M. and Communion, EVENING PRAYER - 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday each month at 7 P.M. ST, ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Reve E.C. Prinselsar DEC, 20th - II. A.M. = Regular Service; 7 P.M. = Vesper Service. Dec. 24 = 7 P.M, - Devotional Service, Dec, 25 - Christmas Communion ~ II A.M. HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Reve J.M. Cano Deily Mass - Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 5.I5 P.M. Tuesdey and Thursday 6030 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICE = 9,30, II,00 seme, and 7.I5 poem. CONFESSION - Saturday 7.I5 = 8 p.m. and before all daily Mass. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. R.L. Dye MID WEEX SERVICE - 7 P.M. - WEDNESDAY SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10,00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ~- IT.00 A.M. EVENING PRAYER - 7.00 P.M. TOWN TOPICS SNOWMOBILE CLUB ELECT EXECUTIVE The Aguasabon Snowmobile Club held a meeting at the Royal Canadian Legion at 2 P.M. on Sunday with 32 present. S. Boyd opened the meeting explaining the privi- leges, aims and benefits of the club. 'Chief of Police J. Doyle, stressed on safety of snowmobiles in town limits and distributed phamplets, rules and regulations on operations of snow machines. Nominations for the Executive were: President = Roddy Larson; Vice President = Mark Caccamo; Sec- retary = E. Boyd; Treasurer = S. Boyd Jr.; Directors=- Roy Larson, Hugh Hamilton, Lynn Merkley, John LeClair and Wallace Fisher. L.A. HELD OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS PARTY When the Ladies Auxiliary met on Monday evening in the Community Church Hall, a good number turned out to join in the festivities of an Old Fas- hioned Christmas Party . : Receiving at the door, wearing long dresses of a by-gone era, were Mrs. Lil Harris and Mrs. Helen Brooks. They collected the Christmas gifts and favourite recipes for the exchange to take place later. Mrs. Clara Gould, also gowned in a long dress of yester-year, welcomed the ladies and handed out carol sheets. Mrs. Marilyn Chisholm presided for the business part of the evening. Minutes and correspondence were read and the treasurer's report given. Mrs. Chisholm thanked all the ladies who had made the Christmas Bazaar so very successful and stated that all the Korean dolls, stamps and Christmas cards were sold. The treasurer was instructed to send a cheque for $55. for the aid of a student in Trinidad. The president was happy to announce that a larger house, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Pirie of Hydro, had been designated by Kimberly-Clark to be the Manse for the new minister who will be arriving in January. It was announced that the Community Church Sunday School Pageant will take place in the Church on Sunday, December 20th, at 11:00 A.M. to be followed by a Pot Luck Luncheon in the basement. Everyone is welcome. World Day of Prayer will be held on March 5th, 1971. Mrs. Lil Harris requested that ladies continue to save Canada Packer labels. Mrs. Chisholm thanked the ladies who provided lunch for the congregation after Mr. Peter McKague of Sault Ste. Marie, preached for a call last Sunday. Mrs. Gertrude Soughton, who was in charge of the program, introduced the three ladies who por- Continued on page 5