DECEMBER 10, 1970 TERRACE BAY NEWS ! PAGE 19 CRORES ind Ri otek 2 Mr, Keith Penner...... sttentive as they listen to explanations of techniques used to create prized masterpieces, ANGELS? HARP: To the left in this picture is Mrs, Karns, Holy Angels® School secretary. Alweys cheerful and ready to help, she is shown here consulting with Sister Mervel (principel) and Mr, Speziasle uioaapatnniin be Mrs, Tremblay, an adept organizer tends the school library. She is shown here carrying out one of the many tasks associa ted with the job cf librarian. 1st Photo, Next column: Madame Chicoine carries on a con- versation in Franceis with the grade| ST. AMAND - MORRIS VOWS EXCHANGED: continued from page 16 seven class, She is Holy Angels? French teacher and is gloves and patent shoes, b f gram Responet oe oP an exsellent French pro from Kindergarten They will make their home on Ontario street in Schreiber ' Guests from out of town attending the weoliing included 2nd Photo, Next column: Miss Dick, grade five teacher is ir. and Mrs. Daniel St, Amand, 1», and Mrs, Pat St. Amand, Bill St. Amand, Genevieve, Sandra, Susan, Brenda, Mary and shown here supervising an experiment D related to various moulds, enise St. Amand, Miss Shoron larmard, all of Victoris Harbor Mr, and Mrs. Earl Beilhsrtz, of Sudbury; Miss Judy Robllee 9rd Photo, Next column: Evaluation of an art lesson finds and Graham Oxby of Thunder Bay, and James latour, of Midland. Mrs, Dampier and her grade four class