PAGE 22 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 5, 1970 SCHREIBER TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Tom Bolan is in Terrace Bay Hospital . Mrs. Gerry Thrower was entertained by her friends at a baby shower held in the home of Mrs. Bill Camp- bell. The prizes for the games played were small necessities for baby Carrie and other gifts, were pre- sented to Mrs. Thrower by Mrs. Earl Welbourne. Mrs. Reg. Bailey convened the recent halloween supper served by the Anglican church women when chili, baked beans, and cabbage rolls were featured. The food was arranged cofeteria style with many take- out portions filled. Assisting members included Mes- dames Jack Bryson, Geoff. Birch, Bob Ellacott, J. D. Bryson, Norman Glad, Fred Harness and Miss Heather Graham. ; Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Neil of Gueiph are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sisson - their daughter June. The most Rev. W. L. Wright, Archbishop of Algoma, was in St. John's Anglican church Schreiber to confer confirmation on the following candidates - Arlene Krause, Carl Glad, Bob Bryson, and Terry Jartus of Schreiber and Paul Wirtz of Marathon. Assisting the Bishop were the Rev. R. J. S. Inshaw of Nipigon and the Rev. Arthur Chabot of Marathon. The Archbishop chose for the topic of his sermon "Love 'and Joy". A social hour in the church hall followed the service. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER BANQUET Over one hundred and fifty guides and brownies, their mothers and guests, enjoyed the seventh annual mother and daughter banquet in the Schreiber Town Hall. Special guests were Mrs. Hazel Howarth, of Red Rock, Division Commander, Mrs. Mary Shack, district commissioner, and Very Rev. Dean J. M. Cano. Others at the head table included Mrs. Janet Kulmatycki, as M. C., Mrs. Jackiz Tremblay, badge secretary, Mrs. Shirley Major, membership chairman, Mrs. Yvon Beauparlant, uniform convener, Mrs. Tim Glad, treasurer, with their daughters, Miss Phylis Wiznuc, acting Guide Captain, Mrs. Betty Sutton, Tawny Oul of Red Rock, and Mrs. Rex Dye, craft instructor. Toasts were made by Diane Dietrich, to the Queen, by Janice Martin to Lady Baden Powell, to Brownie Mothers by Joyce Gautheir, to Guide Moth- ers by Myrna Gauthier, with Mrs. J. P. Gauthier 'Mrs. Camille Perras, and Mrs. A. N. Valentino, responding fo the last two. Grace was sung by the Brownies and Guides. The special posters on the wall of the hall were made by the girls, as were the lovely flower cenfer- pieces on the tables. These were won in a lucky draw by Mrs. R. Stortini, Mrs. H arvey Carmichael, all mothers of Brownies. Mrs. Hobden Spikula and Mrs. Yvon Beauparlant, mothers of Guides also were presented with gifts. A Friendship Prayer, composed by them, was recited by Anne Kulmatycki and Betty Ann McKenna. Mrs. Shack presented the leaders of the two groups Mrs. Marcy Cebrario, Mrs. June Sisson, with Mes~ dames Janet Kulmatycki, Audrey McKay, Lynn Boon, Arlene Connelly, Betty Huard, Dodie Kirkpatrick, and packies Dale Sission and Donna McGrath. Mrs. Rose Halonen, acting lieutenant was unable to attend. In her address Mrs. Howarth remarked on the importance of this year, the diamond jubilee of Guiding. In addition to the varied program and learning new skills, a girl acquires a certain self- discipline in doing her badge work, enjoys good comradeship, with fun both indoors and out of doors, and frequently makes friendships which last a life- time. Mrs. Audrey McKay thanked Mrs. Howarth. Mrs. Cebrario led the girls in singing "Copen- hagen Must Be Taken" and Tina Cebrario, with her accordion accompanied them in singing "Try a Little Kindness, Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head, " and a toast in song to the ladies who prepared and served the dinner. Dean Cano, who gave the benediction, first paid high tribute to the leaders, saying it was obvious from the sparkle on the girls' faces that not only did they (the leaders) give their time and interests but some of their hearts too. And he turned a very neat compliment by saying he had never seen a roomful of prettier girls, but after meeting their mothers it was no surprise. Delighted applause rewarded Dean Cano's compliment . Wendy Ray won the lucky draw for the Brownies aand Debby Beauparlant the one for the Guides. Photos continued page 23 Some fight for principles at stake; others just want the steak.