OCTOBER 22, 1970 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 Al rerrace say news Jf) Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bey, Ontario. Phone 825-3747. Deadline for advertisements and news material is NOON each Monday. Classified Ads - Minimum charge 60¢ (20 words and under). Card of Thanks end Announcements - Minimum charge $I.00 (30 words end under). Subseription Rate - $3.50 per year. Second class mail registration number - 0867 Return postage guaranteed. LET US LAUNDER TTT BLANKETS [tS CLEANERS Tailors and Launderers PHONE 825-3335 FOR RENT OR SALE - House in Schreiber. Phone 824-2586 FOR SALE - Goya Classioal Guitar, .22 Ithiea Semi-Automatie Rifle, 205 CM Kastle Slalom Skis and Bindings. All in fine sondition. Phone 825-3510 FOR SALE - Buick G.S. 400, convertible, automatic. For more information phone 825-3318 FOR RENT - Apartment in Schreiber, Walker St. Phone 824-2339 FOR SALE - House - two self contained apartment. For in- formation phone 824-2265 after 5 p.m. WANTED - Second-hand piano in geod condition (for Terrace Bay Men's Curling Club). Contact Henry Hermes 825-3632. FOR SALE - Beauty Salon business for sale. Reasonably priced. Phone 824-2673 FOR RENT - House for rent. Phone 824-284 after 5.30 p.m. FOR SALE - House (now in two apartments) with basement. Subway Street, Schreiber, Ontario. Phone N, Trichilo, 824-2719 MOOSE BINGO ~ OCTOBER 23 - MOOSE HALL The Moose Bingo will be held Friday, October 23rd at 8.00 p.m. in the Moose Hall, Terrace Bay. Bus leaves Sch- reiber Post Office at 7.30 p.m. SORRY NO MINORS. SNOWMOBILE DEALERS Earn extra dollars with Scorpion! Become asseeiated with one of the industry's largest organizations. Scorpion wants you, if you are an aggressive retailer or individual interested in earning extra dollars with one of today's most talked about end admired snowmobiles. Enjey the benefits of central ware- housing, ~dvertising support, snd full line merchendising. Write Scorpion ¢/o H.L. Turner Limited, Blenheim, Ontario. FOR SALE - 1970 Triumph 500 ec Motorcycle. Purple in colour. Very good condition - 2,600 miles. Phone 824-2661, Schreiber. BRUCE SIMON GENERAL INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC REPRESENTING - Wawanesa Mutual - Royal Group and Canadian Surety Bus. Phone 824-2562 Cottage 824-2820 CARD OF THANKS ~ We would like to thank our friends for the messages of sympathy received in our recent bereavement of our Mother. Your thoughtfulness will alweys be remembered. Mrs. Mary Martinsen Mrs. Margaret Gander CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS JOB RELATED TRADES course, High School Elec- tronics, Engineering, Instrumentation, Business Computer Programming, Paper Making and Electri- cal. 266 Courses. International Correspondence Schools, Representative, 544 West Victoria Ave., Thunder Bay, Ontario. Phone 577-5553. IN MEMORIAM RATTRAY - In loving memory of my dear husband who passed away September 6, 1969 Two tired eyes are sleeping Two willing hands are still For one who suffered far too much Is resting in God's will You never said goodbye to us For perhaps it is just as well I never could have said goodbye To one I loved so well. Sadly missed by wife and daughters Jean, Marnie & Helen. best buy! our complete) SERVICE DRY CLEANING Hours I = 8 LB, LOAD = $3,00. SUPERIOR COIN LAUNDRY . MAYTAG WASHERS - 35¢ PER LOAD p.m. Mon, through Set, LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS - IOf for I0 min, & DRY CLEANING REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825-9787.