TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 8, 1970 1969 METEOR RIDEAU - 4 DR.SEDAN 1969 FORD 2 DR. SEDAN - V-8; auto. trans.; power steering - V-8; automatic; Police Cruiser - and radio - License #12971-N - Stock #5050-A | SALE RRICEG 1795. SALE PRICE - $2425. vy 1968 CHEV. BEL AIR - 4 DR. SEDAN - V-8 motor, auto. trans and - radio. - License #11080-N Lic#12456-N SALE TRICE - : y: "iN Balance of G.M. Warranty pki DR. : $925. - SALE PRICE. 2295. 4 cyl. motor mg . 1966 std. Hos . : Lic. ¥72905-L OLDS 2 DR. bie 1961 ~ Hard Top -F85 CADILLAC - 4 DR. Deluxe - V-8 Lai BE HARD TOP motor-power Sale Price -All Power steering and TE s OmbTEas License #12731-N auto. Radie. rv Sa : Lic.#704268 } 1% : 2 SALE PRICE fos emcee $925. | $1395. ] foe. KE 1967 ; BISCAYNE MUSTANG 2 DOOR 4 Door Sedan HARD TOP Light Duty Trucks 6 cylinder motor, \ 390 Cu. In. mofor = : std. trans. ERA bucket seats, auto. 1968 1964 Lic.#11066-N | trans. radio, power G.M.C. 1/2 TON CHEV.'1/2 TON | | fissying: powss - V-8 motor, standard 6 cyl. motor=-standard tran; SALE PRICE - i Oko: trans. Balance of G.M. As ls ifi f Jk, oe Warranty jk nd 1350. Uren peo License #90040-C Lic. #90090-C ' : sae PRICE $1895. | saterrice $250. sate RICE $2195. PHONE 824-2304 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO. SERVING THE NORTH SHORE