LIBRARY NEWS Hours - Monday & Wednesday - 2:30 to 4:30 p.m, Tuesday & Thursday = 7:00 to 9 Children's Hours Monday & Wednesday ~ 4:00 to 4230 Dut, Tuesday & Thursday - 7: +0 7:30 p.m. NEW BOOKS FOR ADULTS "Dance to the Piper" by Agnes De Mille, arey corps do ballet trouper in a ballet company, "Ellery Queen's Calendar of Crime", Detec- tive Story at its best, "The Penningtons" by Basil Partridge. This is the story of a large and wonderful fam- ily their problems and the ways in which they PO1nt lead over the Barber Greenes. are resolved, "The Marcaboth Women" by Vina Delmar. mate, humorous, swiftly paced, this is per- haps Mrs, Delmar's most successful novel. "Runyon's Guys and Dolls", An Omnibus in~ cluding "Guys and Dolls", "Blue Plate Spec= ial", and "Money from Home" by Damon Runyon, NOTICE: Members are requested to bring back overdue books promptly, Donations of books suitable for the public will be gratefully accepted, 0-0-0 STORK CLUB Congratulations this week go to the following proud parents: Mr & Mrs, John Falzetta - a boy on December 1st, Mr, & Mrs. J. Cavanaugh - a boy on November 29th. 0-0~0 CURLING NEVIS Lt the last Ixecutive Meeting it was decided to ask all members of the Curling Club tc pay their Dues by January 25/53. 48 you all know, fellows, we need these monies in the coffers in order to operate and will look forward to receiving your 12 bucks before the deadline, Dues may be paid to Jock MacCall, your genial Treasurer, at the Bank or in his absence to Des Evans-Smith, We defin- itely prefer you to pay direct to Jock or Des at the Bank but if you find that is not convenient, either Dave McDonald or Al Pattison will be happy to take your money, 48 a matter of interest, we are pleased to report that the boys who repres- ented the Terrace Bay Curling Club at the opening of the Port /rthur Curlins Club's new /frtificial Ice Plant last week-end, te (cont, in next col.) Here were as follows:- (1) is caught the spirit and the discipline of a Allen, Al Pattiscn dence studio and what it means in the way of Wellings, hard work and heartbreak to be just an ordin~ Intie- Page 5 CURLING NEWS (cont, from col, 1) acquitted themselves nobly. Although they won only one of the three gemes they played, :00 pum, they lost only by the narrowest of margins in the other two encounters. However, at the Banquet Table and afterwards, they had no peers and all in ell it was considered g successful week-end, Members of the Rinks Rune Ostling, Nels and Joe Heenan (2) Jack Ted McInnis, Joe Campbell and Fred Soughton. 0-0-0 MEN'S FIVE PIN LEAGUE Well, the Steam Boys are still in there pitching, By taking 3 points from the Whiz Bangs, they were able to maintain a one In third place, the Snow Banks and Mazza's White Collars are fighting it out, Mazza's have the high single with 1060 and the Barber Greenes with 2837, the hi triple of the week. P, Mazza got hot this week and led his boys to a 3 point win over the cats with a 303 single and added to this, scores of 266 and 182 for the hi triple of 751, G.Dushlkewytoh of the WhizzBangs has the honour score this week with bl. Good scores for the night are H, Crisson 216, M, Camp- bell 220, H,. Solly 233, 208, 217 (658), B. Harrison 213, J, Louk 230, 244 (651), L, Swirhun 218, P. Diduch 211, 206, P, Pluta - 204 (642), L., Folino 200, W, Bohonis 214, R, Hunt 216, T. Stachiw 226, 200 (609), R. Greenwald 209, M, Chepelsky 217, L, Marsh 287, D. Harris 272, 4. Roussel 220, 7. MacCall 218, W, Louk 227, 283, (704). Standings to Date Steam 9 Cats 6 Barber Greenes 8 Hydro 5 Snow Banks 7 Rat Portage 4 Mozza's 7 Whiz Bangs 2 ; Big 5 Louk W, 229 Buck C, 209 Borsum W, 220 Hunt R. 205 ¥olino 1, 210 0-0-0 SHOE REPAIR SHOP HOURS The Shoe Repair Shop will be closed from Dec, 6 to Dec. 18th for holidays. 0~0=0 LOST Grey striped Suit Coat, Finder please return to Ed Aho - House #170 Li. 0=0-0 CARD OF THANKS The Home & School Association wish to thank all parents and friends who so grac- iously helped to make the Beke Sale B80 successful,