ALS C.IDS ~ XMAS C.LDS These still desiring to order enrds, etc., mny do so by calling at House #85, call dinl 399 or contact G. Rowlandson in the mill for prompt service. Cards and wrappings will be cn displey for immedirte s~le in the locker-room during the last week of November. CHRISTM/ZS TREES Porsons or organizations, etec., desir- ing Xmas trees from the Boy Scouts should place orders with Don Boudreau, Roland Wills cr Hermon Roberts, Plensc specify in your request the type of tree that you require (Spruce or Balsam) and heizht (4, 5, 6, ote. fect.) Lny organization wishing to have check- ing services at dances, porties, ete., plensc contnet Pete Gombola for Boy Scout Committee help, 11 proceeds from these projects are utilized for local Scout and Cub activities. 0=0=0 LNY SIGNIFIC, NCE? Christening our three nowest business establishments L & L Ment Market, Waghorn's Pharm~cy and Jessop's Drug Sundries w-s =a radical break with tradition, Tie were bow ginning to think thot the inclusicn of Terrace Bay in the title of a business wns governed by low, as witness the following: Terrace Bay Enterprises Terrrnce Motors ( o division of above) Terrance Grecesterin Terrace Boy Cobinet & Repair Shop Terrace Bay Laundry Terrace Bay Lndio Service Tarvrce Trxi Torrnce Bay Shoo Repair [lsc the Hotel Terrance, the Terrace Bny Private Hospital nnd the Terrance Bry News. 0=0~0 LOST One Parker 51 Pen, Gold filled cop with brown bnse, Possibly this had been loaned to a customer who failed to return some, Would finder plerse return to the Office of Hudscon's Bay Company. 0=0=0 Two pair boys skates, sizes three nnd four, in good condition, .pply House #12, Kenogrmi Road. 7 .0=0=0 THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR S.FETY Page 6 SCHOOL SAFETY PATROL Our roving reporter must have been doing a lot of roving recently, because we have another item of Community interest &o report on this week, The Street Safety Patrol, orgonized scme weeks aga by Coast- able Doug Hillman of the Ontario Provincisl Police, is functioning in a first rate manner and serving a much needed service to our town. The Patrol is completely staffed by boys from the Continuation School who tnke a great decl of pride in what they are doing, The first 3 interscetions tc be petrclled were those of Hudson Drive, Ken- cgend Road and Highway 17; corner of Selk- irk nnd Fighway 17 and Simcoe Plaza and Highway 17. [fter the lads all had a turn at serving on the patrol, Const, Hillmon enlled a meoting for suggestions nnd criti- cisms. The boys unanimously agreed that the project should be continued (in spite of the fact that they were the ~nes to stand cut in the cold and snow) and made a couple of worthwhile suggestions that resul- ted in the patrol =%t Hudson & Kenogami be dropped and the setting up of new patrols at Laurier & Selkirk and Hudson & Selkirk. One criticism wns thrt of crossings of Highwey 17 being made at points other than those being patrolled, The worst of these being the short cut from the Shopping Contre tc Kenocgoami Road, The other main driticism was that of the bad example being set by adults when walking along the streets, Instend of joy-wolking 211 over the road, it is pointsc out thant all pedestrians should walk along the side of the road, facing to- words the cncoming traffic , The co-0por=- ation cof all adults is requested in respect of these two criticisms, to set the example for the children, and not let the children set the exmmple for then, Constable Hillm~n ané the boys are to be congrobulated on handling of this pro- ject, 0=0=~0 TIPS POR B.BY SITTERS Things are a lot simpler when baby 8itting if: 1. You're shown where things are. 2. You hove a chance tc ret acquainted with the baby or child first. 3. You have instructions about feeding. 4s You know whether baby is in the hobit of crying a few minutes before he falls asleep, or has any other habits which you should kncw, 5. You know where the parents can be rexched, if necessnry.