BOWLING MEN'S LEAGUE The third series got under way Monday night with only one record broken and that was by P. Mazza who smashed out a noble 63 to take the leagues all time low, He tells me that he wanted to show J. Heenan that he wasn't the only cne who could break records. He had to brow beat Grabowy though into rolling a neat 70 so that he could hold this record, The Gunners apparently weren't fooling, for after the first night's play they are right up there with the Overheads and Short Circuits at the top of the heap. This new system of Pagets of getting strikes by hitting the four pin is paying off. Mcnty not only rolled the high single of 272 but combined it with a 201 & 200 for a total of 673 to take the high triple for this week. Other good scores rolled are C. Buffett 234, 210, J. Deleo 238, K. May 259, 225, R, Nogaska 214, H. Midkiff 209, J. Maurstad 241, J. Jeanneret 211, J. McColl 227: 233, Ke Xreland 210, A, Cline, 221... B, Browning 24,5, 213, 'H, Hall 214, 210, 4, Roussell 213, W. Borsum 238, A. McColl 233, 2,7, P. Mazza 22), M. Campbell 250, J. Heenan 221, C. Buffett 614, K. May 667, B. Browning 637, H. Hall 622, A. McColl 656. Standings to Date Big 5 Overheads 3 J. Heenan 222 Short Circuits 3 W. Borsum 218 Gunners 3 C. Buck 218 Schreiber 2 H. Hall 207 Combustioneers 2 W. Louk 198 Sudslingers l BE. Niemi 198 Consolidated Press 1 J. Deleo 198 Wings 1 MIXED LELGUE The Hot Shots got off to a nice start in the third series by taking four points Tuesday night to take over top position with the Bay Beavers and Stead & Lindstrom sitting NOTE : on their heels with three points each. This weeks honours go to L, Windle and B. Middaugh who each rolled a 253 for top honours. The Pin Boys took the high triple with a total of 2578 while Stead & Lindstrom rolled a 902 for the high single. Although there wasn't a triple rolled'over 600, there were some nice games rolled which deserve mention. J. Graham 200, 203, R. Harris 220, 219, B, Heughn 208, 236, D. Phillips 203, O. Harri- gon 224, 231, D, Dalzell 213, H. Bcott 220, J. Todd 24, Standings to Date Hot Shots L Bay Beavers 3 (cont. on next column) L. Boudreau 216, I. Goodfellow 218, Page 4 MIXED LELGUE (cont. ) Stead & Lindstrom 3 Whirlaways 1 Pin Boys i Bombers 0 . BIG 5 Ladies Men 0. Harrison 190 C. Buck 227 I. Goodfellow 176 H., Hall 202 B. Haughn 168 D. Harris 196 H. Scott 165 J. Todd 192 D. Dalzell 162 A. Chisholm 190 0-0-0 ATTENTION DOG OWNERS Improvement District of Terrace Bay Extracted in part from - By-Law No. L454 The owner, Possessor or harbourer of every dog shall, on or before the first day of March of each year, cause the same to be registered, numbered, licen- sed and described, in the Municipal Office, and shall cause the dog to wear around its neck, a collar to which shall be attached a tag. The above mentioned tag may be purchased for a fee as presecribed by this By-Law from Mr. W. F. Strutt, in the Municipal Office. 2, No person shall permit his or her dog to run at large in the Improvement District of Terrace Bay without having sround its neck the collar snd tag mentioned in the first section. Nc person shall permit his or her dog to run at large in the Townsite of Terrace Bay and all dogs must be tied up at all times except as follows: (1) When on a chain or lead and accom- painied by the owner or some other competent person, Between the hours of 8 and 11 p.m, daily. Persons violating this By-Law are 'liable to a fine, 1. 2h. (2) o~0-0 STOP - LOOK AND LISTEN Stop, Lock and Listen are familiar words to all of us, We see them at all railway crossings, Let's apply them to our- selves, STOP Fires -- LOCK out for fire hazards and LISTEN to the messages on the radio about the great loss of life by fire every day. Ye hear or read zbout all of these tragedies -- let's do our part by STOPPING Fires --- LOOKING for fire hazards and LISTENING to the radio stories. Fire prevention is everybody's business, every day of the year.' ¥ y 0-0-0