JLUB NEWS: gy the time this issue of the News hits aews stands, the Turkey Bonspiel will be Jing off in the main event ~~ Ostling vs Millan, The consolation final (for the chickens, that is) between Valigrodsky ond Wellings reached an interesting but disputed outcome, The game was posted for 10 ends; it seems both Jack and Steve were unaware of this nnd agreed to play 12 ends, The inevitable happened; Steve wns ahead at 10 ends and Jack at 12 ends, The Club Executive will hand down a decision on this one Saturday night, X In the meantime, the New Yecr's Bonspiel has also swung into play, with four games now having been run off. One of the high=- lights there was the drubbing Dodge handed Olsen, Poor old Ole just can't seem to get Started this year. Anybody seen a seven ender this season? Hand you been around to watch the semi-final Wellings-Marsh duel in the Turkey Bonspiel you would hove seen the stunt pulled off this past week end, Jack wos on the pitching end of that one, It seems to the writer that someone racked up an eight end in regular play two years ago on our ice, Would someone please come forward and verify this? In the meane time we are hnving a difficult time defende ing this contention, Passing from the sublime: McMillan and McColl, with their three curlers each, tossed eight stones each in the fifth end of their gnme Monday =~ and nothing was left in the house, 4ll you need to curl, fellows, is a good set of muscles, It was decided between the Men and Ladies Draw Committee to assign week-end ice on the brsis of "first come ~ first served." Bach week a sheet will be posted in the Club, and whoever arranges for o challenge game will go to the club and put their names down, specifying dante, time, and number of ice they wish, There seems to be a lot of interest in out-of-town bonspiels, 4& number of the young up-and-coming curlers are out to give the old timers a run for their money in the elimina- tion matches to see who goes to Marathon, ete. Keep your eyes on the Bob Montieth - Jimmy MacDonald combination! Skips Note: Please hurry up with your Hiram Vinlker rink entries, Draws must be made up very shortly for that all important event! Specking of thc Hiram Welker: The Elect- ricions are entering a power-house under Skip Garvin, Any odds on this rink? Page 3 DOUBLE HE..DER BADMINTON TOURN/MINT This coming Saturday, January 12th, Marathon will play host to two tournaments, In the afternoon a Junior Tournament" of high school pupils will be played with Marathon, Schreiber and Terrace Bay partici- pating. Representing Terrace Bay will be Ray Stachiw, Bill Marsh, Gord Savoy, Terry Cavanaugh, Cecile Boudreau, Dodie Thorstein- son, Janice Erickson and Charmaine Dodge. It will be the first attempt at a Junior Tournament and if it is successful, may be the forerunner of a junior badminton league in our district. In the ovening, the first of four home and home series of the N,S.B.L. will get underway with participants from White River, Marathon, Terrace Bay nnd Schreiber. Terrace Bay will be represented in the N,S.,B.L. by Helen Scott, Olyve Harrison, Ellen Hodgkiss, Barb Haughn, Monty Prget, Clarence Buck, Lon Swirhun and Gord Pagot, i ~~ Terrace Bay is the present holder of the Qhapples Trophy which is awnrded yearly to the winner of the N.S.B.L. championship. The Hudson's Bay Cup, which is played for at each tourncment, is at present held in Schreiber, It is of interest to note that at a social tournament held in Marathon last fall the Terrace team placed 3rd. It may be that they are resting on past laurels when they should BG in there shaking the proverbial lead from their trousers, It is also of interest to note that any tenm will do better with the help of supporters nnd cheering section, so most cordial invitation is extended to anyone wishing to take in any tournament. a 0-0-0 LRTICLE W.NTED Wanted - a good used studio couch, Contact time card #259. 0=0=C Safe Landing