CME eR Bo ei TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY 30, 1970 Goto the CHURCH of yourchioice . | TERRACE BAY SCHREIBER ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. A.L. Chabot SUNDAY SERVICE - Ist and 3rd Sunay each month at 7.00 p.m. SUNDAY MASS - 6.45, 8.15 and 10.00 A.M. and Communion. EVENING PRAYER - 2nd, 4th, and 5th S e 7pr WEEXDAY MASS - 6.30 P.M. Ce an ae One Se ee ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Rev. E.C. Prinselaar MORNING SERVICE - 10.00 A.M. - July and August ' COMMUNION - First Sunday of the month CONFESSION - 7 - 8 P.M. - SATURDAY HOLY ANGELS CHURCH ~ Rev. J.M. Cano DAILY MASS ~- Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 5.15 pom. COMMUNITY CHURCH Tuesday and Thursday 8.00 A.M. Saturday 9.00 a.m MORNING WORSHIP - II.00 A.M. - Mr. H. Johnston, Presbyterian CONFESSION - Saturday 7.15-8 pom. and before all daily mass Lay Reacher will conduct morning services SUNDAY MASS - 8.00, 9.30 and II.00 A.M. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. R.L. Dye SUNDAY SCHOOL - I0.00 A.M. m2 SPORT WORSHIP SERVICE = II.00 A.M. : EVENING PRAYER - 7 P.M. ST. BERCHMAN'S CHURCH : MID WEEX SERVICE - 7,00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY MASS - every Monday at 7.00 P.M. 4 {¢/Srown ToPics{f fb. DEPARTING COUPLES HONOURED At a party arranged by their fellow Hydro Employ- ees, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pirie were honoured last Saturday night. Held in the Curling Club Lounge the affair featur- ed dancing to the piano accompaniment of Freddie McColeman. Highlight of the event was the presentation of a lovely crystal vase to Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and a crystal bowl to Mr. and Mrs. Pirie. Phillips and Mr. Pirie have been with Ontar- io Hydro Area office in Terrace Bay, the former for thirteen years and the latter, for two years. Jack Phillips leaves in the middle of August to take over a new position in Thunder Bay and Bill Pirie is presently dividing his time between the Area Office here and his new duties as Manager of the Hydro Office in Fort Frances. Their families will leave for their new homes as these- become available. A delicious smorgasbord luncheon was served during the evening. aie ae ees anit Mr.and Mrs, Bill Pirie ~- Photo by H.Milks see page 7 for second photo. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson and family have re- turned to Terrace Bay after a holiday camping trip to the west coast.