' | eR ce ter a a a ng a PAGE 8 SCHREIBER SPORT & GIFT SHOP CHOOSE LASTING GIFTS FROM OUR WIDE SELECTION RODS and WEADQUARTERS Fop FISHING TACKLE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! 621 Winnipeg Street COMING EVENTS - Cont'd from page 5 ... Synchronized Swimming Clinics - Terrace Bay Swim Pool. 4: Saturday, August 15th - North Shore Swim Meet - Red Rock. BASEBALL GAME On Sunday, July 19th at 2.00 p.m. at St. Mar- tin's Ball Field, there will be a baseball! game be- tween RED ROCK NATIONALS and TERRACE BAY NATIONALS (10 - 12 years). LADIES GOLF NEWS Last Tuesday's Twilight took the form of a Tomb- stone Tournament. Winners were - Furthest Advan- ced ~ low gross, Jan Hall - runner-up, Marilyn Thomas. Least Advanced - low net, Stella Gusul - Runner-up, Vera Kennedy. A mixed tournament was held Friday, July 10th with an excellent turnout. Winners were - Ist low net - Isabel Ferrier and Kit Thomas with a 72 1/2 - 2nd low net, Ivy Pattison and Tony Costa with a 73. First low gross, Peggy Wellings and Howard Solly with a 93 - 2nd low gross, Jan Hall and Charlie TERRACE BAY NEWS Phone 824-2844 JULY 16, 1970 Koski with a 96. Most honest low net - Marilyn Thomas and John Ferrier. Most Honest Low Gross - Stella Gusul and Bill Stefurak . * Following the tournament a Barbecue was held and voted to be a smashing success. It is hoped to hold more of these in the near future. On Sunday, July 12th the Board of Director's Tour- nament was held. Congratulations to Olga Adamo whose low net winning record was a 69. Also to Peg Wellings for her low gross of 71. We received our copy of the Kimberly-Clark maga- zine "Co-operation" - Spring 1970 edition - and congratulate them on the color and design of the front cover. There's an interesting editorial on the inside cover titled "On Dropping Out" which we hope to reprint at a later date. We haven't had time to read the whole magazine yet but another article that we just had to skip throug quickly "A Man, A Cause, The Times" caught our attention. It is about the Canadian Pilot who, at 24. shot down the Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen. Today's readers of the comic pages are intrigued with the antics of a beagle named Snoopy who carries on a running battle with a Red Baron. The article in the Coop tells about the man - with comments on him by his wife and daughter . SURVEY STRESSES VALUE OF COMMUNITY COLLEGES. Mature students have a higher rate of achievement, a lower rate of dropout and higher rate of on-time graduation according to the results of a three-year survey of community college tras fer students at the University of British Columbia. An increasing number of students go on to university after two years ata community college. MRS. MARY CLARE KENNEDY WILL BE REPLACING MRS. RUTH MITCHELL AS SUB AGENT FOR ALLIED VAN LINES.