PPR 2S OAD ho. TERRACE BAY NEWS _ ip hoe ae VOWS EXCHANGED - cont 'd from page 12 . do to register is call the Recreation Office at Mrs. Victor Fenton held a Rehearsal party on 3542 and leave your name and telephone'number . Friday evening April 17th, for Miss Patricia Simmer Shortly after the deadline date, an organizationdl whose marraige took place on Saturday, April 18th. méeting will be held for each of the above pro- grammes to decide on such things as course fee, length of course, date(s) of course, etc. RECREATION BRIEFS - By Jerry Dupas Further details will be appearing in next week's NEWS. DON'T HESITATE ....... Call the Rec- SUMMER RECREATION STAFF REQUIRED tion Office right | Please refer to page 20 for a breakdown on the eer ice rignt away positions required to be filled by summer staff. JUNIOR BADMINTON THIS FRIDAY Application forms are now available at the Terrace Session no. 3 in the Junior Badminton programme Bay Recreation Office. If you are interested in will be held this coming Friday, April 24th, as applying for one of the positions, be sure to pick up | follows: 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. ~ 10 to 12 years; your application form svon,as the closing date for 7 .30 to 8.30 p.m. - 13 to 15 years. Remaining applications is May 11th. session will resume on a regular basis starting on If you require additional information, please Saturday, May 2nd. REGISTRANTS .... be sure contact the Recreation Office (3542). to wear proper footwear. REGISTER NOW! ! NORTH SHORE BADMINTON TOURNAMENT LADIES' KEEP FIT CLASSES; UPHOLSTERY THIS WEEKEND COURSE and SILK SCREENING COURSE. The Terrace Bay Adult Badminton Club will be : Response to the above programnies has been very hosting the annual North Shore Badminton Tourna- encouraging. The deadline of Wednesday, April ment this Saturday and Sunday, April 25th and 26th, 29th, has been selected for anyone wanting to re- at the High School Auditorium. Participating gister in any of these programmes. All you have to communities will include Manitouwadge, Red Rock, Marathon, Schreiber and Cont! don page 14 .... ~COMING BACK AFTER TWO MONTHS ENGAGEMENT FQ) BRING Hac ee YOu "Sy WHISTLE STOP LOUNGE a eet SCHREIBER HOTEL eon see ~ CKO FOR. YOUR. LESTENMING cREBASURE., KENNETH CHARLES and his COUNTRY MELODEERS Friday and Saturday, April 24th and 25th - 9 to 1 A.M. ALSO "7 Saturday Afternoon Mutinee - As 4-6P.M. \ C¥ You've heard the rest; now hear the best." ~s=