MARCH 19, 197 TERRACE BAY NEWS 3 ae Doe 0 . AL " Ae ie AU teRRact BAY NEWS Ce LZ --rnnmmnwme" = DRYCLEANING Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825-3747. é SS Satie Deadline for advertisements is NOON EACH MONDAY, - other X : items Tuesday morning. = c Classified Ads - Minimum charge 60¢ (20 words and under). Card of Thanks and Announcements - Minimum charge $I.00 (30 words and under). CALL US TODAY FOR PICK-UP | Subscription Rate - $3.50 per year. & DELIVERY | Second class mail registration number - 0867 ES | Return postage guaranteed. toteeceiies, PHONE 824-2250 x oe ee, Gordon M. Bodge GENERAL INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE - FIRE - CASUALTY - LIABILITY -- 179 HUDSON DRIVE | Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. FOR SALE ~- Phillips portable tape recorder. Phone 3715. FOR_SALE- Modern three bedroom house - hot water heating - large recreation room 28 x 16". Phone Schreiber 824.2550 | Evenings. FOR RENT - two bedroom self contained apartment. Subway, Street, Schreiber, Ontario. Phone 824-2488. FOR RENT - small house. Phone 824-2027. SNOWMOBILERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE A meeting for all snowmobilers and the general public will be held Thursday, March 19th at the Lands and Forests Department building. Time - 7:30 P.M. MORROW PIANOS Serving Northwestern Ontario for over 20 years. Morrow Piano people offer guaranteed tuning and repairs, new and used pianos when available. Contact : Arnold Almos, Box 8, Terrace Bay, Ont. EVERYONE WELCOME! NOMINATIONS SET FOR APRIL At the regular monthly meeting of St. Martin of Tours Catholic Women's League, Mrs. H. Boudreau, Mrs. li. McBride and 'rs. D. Desrosiers volunteered to be the nominating committee. They will present a new slate of officers at the April meeting. This will be an election by ballot. The support of the members is requested. All members will have the nominations form sent to them by mail. Please have them returned by April 5th. Mrs. W. Corrigan chaired the meeting and lunch was served by Mrs. R. Fournier and her committee. St. Martin's Catholic Women's League were happy to host for the first time, the Women's World Day of Prayer. All ladies of Terrace Bay were invited to attend and more than fifty ladies were present. Mrs. A. Chisholm and Mrs. W. Vezina gave out the programs and those taking part in the service were Mesdames Dashkewytch, Ramsay, Derland, H. Boudreau, Nicol and Helmink. ' Mrs. G Churney and Mrs. J. Schritt took up the collection Father A. Gvora accompanied by Reverend Husser, gave the Main address. It was an insptring talk on Christian Unity and the them of the day, "Courage". After the service, tea and coffee were served in the hall. WANTED - Fashions from 1920 - 1940 for history project. Please contact L. Brooks 825-3691 or G. Simmer 825-3836. Will be returned in condition received. Needed before March 19th. FOR SALE = Looking for a special card or bridge prize? See the New Regal Catalogue at the News Office or phone 3747. CARD OF THANKS - I would like to thank all my friends in | Terrace Bay who made my bridal shower such a memorable occasion. Pat Simmer LOST - one pair of childrens snow shoes during St. Martin's Winter Carnival. If someone has take these by mistake please call 825-3262. Ms DRY CLEANING MAYTAG WASHERS - 35¢ PER LOAD Hours 1 = 4 p.m. Mon. through Sat. LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS - 10¢ for WES Medi, | 8 LB. LOAD - - - $3.00 10 min. Nite SUPERIOR COIN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING | REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825-9787