HOUR OF CARDS TO FOLLOW MEETINGS Members of the Anglican Church Women adopted the Least Coin Project, at their February meeting, with Mrs. Reg Bailey presiding and sixteen attending. A donation was made to the Shinwauk School in Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. Jack Bryson presented the treasurer's report and minutes were read by Mrs. Robert Ellicott, correspondence including a thank you note from Mrs. Polly Bottomley, former long time members now in Pinewood Court. Plans were completed to serve a banquet on Feb. 20th with Mrs. Bailey as convener. It was agreed to pay travelling expenses for Rev. Arthur Chabot of Marathon, when conducting Thursday - morning services in Schreiber. New dishes were purchased for the kitchen and members reminded to save Canada Packer Labels, which are used to replenish kitchen supplies. It was decided to build two cupboards in the church hall for storage of Church records and Sunday school supplies. Members were pleased to learn that renovation of the vestry has begun. A reminder was given to the World Day of Prayer services being held this year in St. Andrew's United Church. Following the meeting several rounds of penny auction were enjoyed, an hour of cards, and lunch was served by Mrs. Ralph Morrill and Mrs. Alvin Slater. It was then decided to have an hour of cards follow ing each regular meeting, with Mrs. Fred Harness and Mrs. Norman Glad as hostesses for. the March meeting. Earl Wardell of Thunder Bay South is here reliev- ing the Dresswell Shop. David Nesbitt has returned home ofter visiting his brother Bob, in Galt, where they were celebra- ting their 40th wedding anniversary. Muriel Nesbitt was there from London and David drove back to New York with Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Sullivan, also attending the happy occasion. Home for their study week now from Western University are Paddy Spadoni, lan O'Neil, Nola Fummerton, Ken Borutski, Bill Turner and Muriel Nesbitt. Miss Lorraine Bedard and Pat Crowe of Windsor, visited Lorraine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rene TERRACE BAY NEWS _ FEBRUARY 19,1970 Bedard and the group went on to Thunder Bay to visit Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jewell . v Mrs. E.A. Weywell of Montreal is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aurel Major, visiting also Mrs. * Anne Etches. MEMBERS ASKED TO ORDER EASTER CARDS A donation was made to the Education Fund of the Rebekah Assembly, at the Ruby Rebekah Lodge meeting on February 11th with Mrs. Christine Morris as N.G. and Mrs. Beth Macadam as V.G. Mrs. Helen Wallace stated she has assorted cards for sale and urged members to order Easter ones early. It was decided to hold degree practice at each meeting. The vice-grand reported sending get well and sympathy cards to members. A baking auction sale was planned for the Febru- ary 25th meeting. Mrs. Winnie Clemens will con- vene the lunch assisted by Mesdames Lilyan Chris- tie, Georgina Davis, Ann Etches, Jean Fisher, and Florence Fischer. Fodlowing the meeting cards were played with Mrs. Relen Wallace winning high at bridge and Mrs. Mary Husband taking; Mrs. Jean Stitt getting high at whist and Mrs. Mildred Walsh, low. Mrs. Walsh also won the door prize. A dessert lunch was served by the social committe¢ INFORMATION - taken from the Department of Transport Press Release Last minute line-ups later this month for new motor vehicle licence plates could be worse than last February, the Ontario Department of Transport warned today . The deadline for driving with 1969 plates is mid- night, Saturday, February 28th. The plates have been on sale since December 1, 1969, at 28' issuing offices throughout Ontario. The sale of 1970 plates for passenger cars, station wagons and motorcycles is lagging significantly be- hind sales at this time last year, and there are at least 76,000 more vehicles to be registered this year. At the end of January, 529,876 sets of plates had been issued, or 25.5 per cent of this year's total of 2,077,945 applications. In the first 11 months of 1969, 5,462 motorists were convicted of driving without current year plates continued page "D"