PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS : NOVEMBER 20, 1969 : secretary. The term 'work party! in this instance is a misnomer, although thousands of letters are prepared, the congenial atmosphere making an anticipated occasion each Fall. * "THE OWL'S HOOT" GIRLS WIN NORTH SHORE VOLLEYBALL TROPHY In a match held in Terrace Bay on Saturday, Nov- ember 15th, Schreiber Girls were victorious over the Manitouwadge team. The games were won 15-3 and 15-6. Congratulations to the girls who have played extremely well this season and brought back two trophies to Schreiber High. Photo above -- At Schreiber Legion Veterans!' dimmer - Jack Winters, past president, Gino Caccame, !..0. Reeve Fred Harness, Borden Ross, president and Jack Stckes; bk. P.P. guest speaker. Photo by I. MeCuaig REBEKAH'S HOLD OFFICER'S TBA TEACHER OF THE WEEK Mrs. Christine Yorris, Noble Grand, and iirs, Norra Pummer-~ ton past noble grand, received at the annual New Officers' tea of Ruby Rebekah Lodge. Mrs. Helen Wallace was cashier and the tab'e servitors were Mesdames Gladys Hamilton, firene Harness, Alice Sparks, TIene Williamson, "arbara Nesbitt, and Liyan Christie Replenishing were lrs. Helen Dtarcy and 'irs. "eth ('acadeim Mrs. Agnes Bryson, Iirs. Dore Wesver, iirs. Connie Yeaver and Mrs. Mavis Slater poured tea. ' The door prize was won by laurie Strasser, the flower arrangeme:g draw by Mrs. idith They, snd the cake draw by Mrse David Nesbitt, the lucky tickets drawn by A. Farrow, Mrs. L.R. McCuaig and Mrs. A. "ryson. 'he Sake table was attended by Mrs. Glorie Miller and Mrs. Della lloore. Photo below - Mrs. Norma Tummerton, past noble grand and Mrs. Christine Morris, noble grand receiva at the snnual |New Officers' tea of Ruby Rebekah lodge. Photo by I. icCuaigs. Mr. Truman teachers Mathematics at Schreiber High School. Born in Sudbury he attended High School there and in Elliott Lake. He received a degree in mathematics from Queens University in Kingston. Before coming here he taught at LaSalle Secondary School in Kingston for two years. Mr. Truman likes the small school atmosphere and the small town life of Schreiber. Mr. Turman's hobbies include sports of all kinds. He is coaching the girls' basketball team this year. Mr. Truman is married and his wife works part time in the Terrace Bay Hospital as a registered nurse. The Trumans have no children. THOUGHT OF THE WEEK - He that is good will in- fallibly become better, and he that is bad will as cer- tainly become worse, for vice, virtue and time are three things that never stand still . EAST THUNDER BAY TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION The East Thunder Bay Tuberculosis Association will finish their Christmas seal appeal letters this week, members work- 4, ing in the home of W.G. Furlonger, - cont#d next column.... in the hone of W.G. Purlonger, secretary. continved next colu