PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 12,1969 TUESDAY TWILIGHT Nineteen Ladies teed off last Tuesday in the Twilight. Low gross winner was Julie Rattray. Low net - June Linton. Runner-up low net - Phyl Kelty Low Hole - Aina Adamo and High Hole Betty Pirie. We welcome the new members who came out last -- Tuesday and hope to see more new members next Tuesday . A Canadian Ladies Golf Association Pin Round is scheduled for Saturday, June 14th, 11 a.m., for those ladies who are members of C.L.G.A. On Sunday, June 15th, a ladies "unknown partner" tournament will be held at 2p.m.D.S.T. A sheet is posted in'the Club House for entries. There is a small fee for ladies to belong to the Ladies Section of the Aguasabon Golf Club. This fee must be paid before playing in a ladies tourn- ament and membership can be obtained from Marg Phillips, Membership Chariman . Dates to remember are Saturday, July 5th, -for the Ladies Club Championship qualifying round and Sunday, July 13th, for the Ladies Club Champion- ship. Our "Open" this year is scheduled for Sunday, August 3rd. PLANNING COMMITTEE FORMED The regular meeting of the Lake Superior Board of Education was held in the Manitouwadge High School on Monday evening, June 2nd. A planning Committee composed of Mr. K.A. Gorton fA. Badge GENERAL INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE - "IRE - CASUALTY - LIABILITY 179 HUDSON DRIVE TILDEN RENT-A-CAR - TRUCK DAILY RENTALS SHORT AND LONG TERM LEASING i PHONE: BRIAN DUFFY Schreiber 824~2043 Evenings 824-2068 Beasley, Marathon; Mr. P.C. McLeod, Manitou- wadge; Mr. J.T. Dorland, Terrace Bay and Mr. A. Gordon, Schreiber was formed. This committee will | investigate future educational needs for the area and J formulate a long range plan involving additions to school buildings and the introduction of additional services and courses anticipated in the next five yea F The annual spring season for hiring teachers is rap= idly drawing to a close, and it has been quite successs§ ful, as evidenced by the thirteen appointments ap- B eooven Monday evening. It is evident that teachers } being hired this year by the Board are,generally | speaking, very highly qualified and with several years |) of teaching experience. The appointments of Mr. James A. Munroe as Principal of Alexander Public School, Marathon and of Mrs. Sharon Kistulenic as Principal of the Heron Bay School were confirmed. Mr. Munroe is at pres- = ent supervising principal of all elementary schools in | the Moose Factory area. He has a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education from Acadia University and 19 years experience in education, sixteen as Supervising Principal. Mrs. Kistulenic,who is pres- | ently principal of the Pic-Indian-Day School,has 6 | years experience in education and is completing her } Bachelor of Arts degree with the University of Water= loo. She has had considerable experience inan ~~ experimental ungraded school. Both schools are fora tunate to be able to secure such able and well qual== ified principals. 4 The meeting was well attended by interested cit- | izens, including a delegation who asked that an op= | ee ee ee ee et 'portunity class be established in Manitouwadge. The! Board received the delegation , and an investigation | is being conducted to determine the need for sucha | class. Given the need and a properly qualified teacher, it is possible that an opportunity program could result this fall. 4 Mr. Gerry Saumur was appointed as vice-principal | of the Manitouwadge Public School effective in Sept= ember, 1969. The next meeting of the Board willl be held in the Schreiber High School on Monday, July 7th at | 6.00 p.m. Daylight saving time. Me. and Mrs. Clifford Knauff Jr. of Kamloops B.C oa have returned after a visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Knauff Sr.