PAGE 18 Altar Society - cont'd from page 17 ... were ordered for the grotto and flower beds. New steel posts will be purchased and men hired to erect a fence and repair porch plaster. The next meeting will be in September with Mrs. Kenney hostess. Following adjournment pamphlets on home safety, poisons, and antidotes were anal- ysed. The hostess served luncheon and a social hour was enjoyed. RAS AY "THE OWL'S HOOT" PERSONNEL AT SCHREIBER HIGH SCHOOL "e ee When the students return to Schreiber High School on September 2nd, seven members of the present faculty will be gaining further experience elsewhere g in the following locations: Miss Chisholm - Edmonton Mr. Deol - Marathon , Miss Goodhead - Englehart, Mr. Guerard - Selkirk Collegiate in Fort William, Mrs. Guerard - Lakehead. Mr. Tessier - Thousand Islands School in Brockville, and Mr. Yungblut - Bay of Quinte School in Belleville. Appreciation is extended to-these teachers for the contributions which they have made during their service at Schreiber High School . On September 2nd, Schreiber High School students will meet eight new teachers who are currently looking forward to working with young people in our area. All of the new personnel have taught in On- tario Secor4ary Schools, as follows: Mr. W.D. Klassen - Grantham High School in St. Catherines; (4 years teaching experience); Mr. A. Lawlor - North Dundas High School in Winchester (4years); Mrs. J. A. Nagy - Crestwood School, Peterborough (1 Year); Mr. P.G. Nagy - Crestwood School - (lyear); Mrs. C.L. Stewart (6 years ) Schreiber, Mr. N.C. Truman (2 years ) - LaSalle School, Kingston; Miss N.F. Warren (7 years) ; - Sturgeon Falls, and Mrs. D.J. Williamson ( 6 years ) Ridgewa High School, Ridgeway. These People will be arriving in Schreiber after they have finished various summer school courses. All of the current faculty who are remaining at Schreiber High School for the 1969-70 school year are planning to attend summer School, as follows: Mr. R.L. Affleck - History courses at Lakehead Un- iversity and Head of Department course in London;. Mr. S.B. Chyril - Library course in Kingston and Latin course in St. Catharine; Mr. W. T. Dukes TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 12,1969 teaching methods at the College of Education and driver training in Toronto , Mr. A.B. Gerdon - teaching methods at McArthur College of Education in Kingston; Mr. E.A. Gouthro - teaching methods at - the College of Education in Toronto; Mr. F.J. Penne physical education teaching methods in Toronto; Miss M.J. Wray - commercial teaching methods in , Ottawa; Mrs. R.A. Mulligan - guidance in Bellevilld and Mr..B.C. Stewart - secondary school principal's course in Kingston. _ To all of the above mentioned teachers, best wishes are extended in their summer courses and their 1969- 70 teaching positions. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Last Week's. Across DOWN 1l1.Annoys Answer 1. Seed vessels 1. Part of a 16. Strange gycujaj ABJEIAICIN 5. Crust on window 18. City eae . aa 3 a wound 2. Funeral in the ai Sag . Famed notice Nether- Italian 3. Speck lands pong AES - ---- 4.Passenger 20. Fleecers Co Ce BONE . Sound, as ona 21. French . a cricket crowded satirist Ce eet 12. Miss train 22. Copy AOA SACS Ekberg 5. Setting 24. Con- EJEIRIV eel xt [Te 13. Weird 6. Gloomy sumea [SIAISISIIRIElEI0IS} 14. Still 7. Ventilate 26. Discom- 34. Fat 15. N ot any 8. More modes 35. Sweetsop 17. Units of luminous 28. Couples: 36. Marry spacemen's 9. Small abbr. 38. Honshu Bay i ae island 31. Passageway 40. Verb form - snake Vy Dp p Paton: OT FER UP ET EY 7 23. Tardy = i ater PPL fod ge | Poy bo of time i 4 " YY 7 26. Measure | ee rer ts er 27. Incite 7 Wit WY Ly 2 Ace See persons LLL Wy W a Ol lk astical. z= Wy Z me FLLL tT Aut 30. Noblemen x Y V7) Se Pie ae 33. Come up a5 7 Yi THT eateries FFT 7 | | St: Forays Y ZZGZ srl PET | Aa ei 41, Agave L 77 ea 42. Cornered Y Poe a ae with a3 Y Do on ell ee PY 44. Becomes WZ WY irm Daffynition of a draft board: world's largest travel agency. | 7