PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 1 1969 FOR SALE - Small comfortable two bedroom home. -FOR PREPLANNED MOVING AND STORAGE Phone 824-2418 after 6 p.m. - and for my project more beads - colored pieces of broken glass for crush- ing at Pinewood Court for hobbies. - S. Willoughby. REMBER VAN & STORAGE LIMITED & UNITED VANLINES C.G.1.T. Walkathon - continued from front page. . Fealiag stiff and sore on Sunday, as some of the Walkers felt, seemed a small price to pay, when the Walkers have seen films of lepers who have been healed, and yet are turned away from their homes, because of a lack of understanding and superstition, and forced to go on walking, without a home, a job or a contact with society. In Africa a whole school of little children walked 18 miles after a long canoe ride just to receive the Gosp:ls translated into their own language by the Bible Society. ' Well done Walkers ! Tie Moose Lodge of Terrace sponsored 13 walkers, Can you imagine anyone as unhappy as a woman with| 7 from Terrace Bay and 6 from Schreiber. a live secret and a dead telephone? _ Painting of the Community Church. Photo by M. Lundberg. THE NEW WHISTLE STOP LOUNGE in the SCHREIBER HOTEL PROUDLY PRESENTS TON Y'S ONE MAN BAND ALSO GuEST ARTIST CF RACE RANDALL SINGING AND PLAYING COUNTRY AND WESTERN MUSIC THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY EVENINGS, MAY 1, 2, and 3. Starting at 9 p.m. OUR DINING ROOM IS OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY