APRIL _10, 1969 : GOLF CLUB NEWS Spring is here and the golf season will soon be on us. The break up with the coming water and melt- ing snow is giving way to the green grass of our beautiful fairways and greens which were enjoyed so much late last summer and fall. The 1969 budget has alloted a considerable sum to further and continue this excellent condition of the golf course. So you, golfers young and old, get out those clubs and start cleaning and polishing for this should be our best season. It appears tha' the Ladies Club, extremely pop- ular last year, is lookingforward to an increased membership. This is indeed an ideal way to trim down and have fun. doing it. The mixed two ball foursomes are a lot of fun and should be given a big play this year. The completion of the driving range should great- ly encourage beginnersstaking up the game. With this area set aside for practice progress will be immensely accelerated. The juniors should receive much more attention this year. More tournaments are desired which will create more interest. Last year the Juniors made terrific strides in im- proving their game. The enthusiasm of these young- sters should be recognized by supplying more com- petion. Despite the numbers of our Junior member- ship there are still many who with a little encourag- ment would love to take up the game. The en- couragment | refer to is the purchase of clubs, which could be used and are inexpensive. Much effort and expense will be spent to further improve our course this year. Members can assist immeasurably: in this effort by being more careful in replacing divots. The golfer who ignores and neglects this simple but extremely necessary oper- ation is committing a gross breach of etiquitte and is a menace to any course. Whereas the person who patiently and carefully repairs such divots is ren- dering a very important service to the course and fellow golfers. SIMILAR TO TERRACE BAY NEWS Last week we received a letter from former Terrace Bay High School teacher Marvin Steen who now lives in Moosonee - up near James Bay. Marvin enclosed a copy of their news paper - a mimeo publication much like the "News" was several yearsago. A paper put out by voluntary labour, it is unique TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 1$ to us in that some of the news is in the Indian: Lang- vage - presumably Cree as on one page we see Cree Lesson No. 7. Hockey and Curling are mentioned a, and also a winter carnival. There's an airport, and shipping,a well Baby Clinic, but few-autos. Ice on the river March 13 was 24" thick and the season of the Aurora Boreales or Northern Lights (cont'd page 12) "CROSSWORD PUZZLE HORIZONTAL 46. Large 4. Hebrew 21. Mine 1. Delicate twigs priest managers fabric 48. Persian 5. Etna 22. Label 5. Shinto poet 6. Sacred 23. Enemy temple 49. Pismire 7. Amper- scout 8. Youngcow 50. River sand 24. Disease 12. Iridescent islands 8. Repines of sheep gem 51. Roses and 9. Medicinal 25. Money of : 13. Heavy 1812 plant account F weight 52. Female deer 10. Jungle 26. School 5 14. Medley 53. Flower beast of seals A 15. Colorful Ll. Affec- 27. Square flower VERTICAL tionate of turf , 17. Satellite 1. Broad- 16. French 28. Oklahoma of earth topped hill author Indian 18. Skill 2. Armadilio 20. Title of 29. Malay 19. Climber 3. Haul respect gibbon 20. Exhaust 31. Couch 21. Poem 34. Ios 22. Sesame Last Week's Answer 335. tIreiana 23. Range 37. Puff up 26. Sunshade 38. Farm 30. Skin mouth implemen 3 31. Fen 39. Peruvian i 32. Jot city 3 33. Longed 40. Jewish i 35. Home of month ; Saul's witch 41. River in é 36. Assist Italy 3 37. Bitter 42. The i vetch Buckeye 38. Greek state philosopher 43. Moistens 41. ---- Baba 44. Being 42. Be in debt 46. Wicked j 45. Italian 47. Elevator cage ' et yt ca er Pa bbe SN A NE BBENSEENNSS IKLEN® COE NN EN | CCE LL.