PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS _MARCH 13,1969 (cont'd from page 15) has not been able to secure ANGLICAN CHURCH WOMEN another doctor to take over his practice. | The Restoration group of the Anglican Church fastest Ore Women at their regular March meeting planned a UNITED CHURCH WOMEN Penny Sale on April 11 in the town hall at 8 p.m. A delegate will attend the annual A.C .W. meeting in Huntsville on April 29 - 30 and some assistance in travel expenses will be provided. It was agreed to cater for a meal for the meeting being sponsored by the local Parks and Recreation committee on March 15 the meal to be served by 4.30. Final plans were made for the Fish Fry on March 14 = orders to be phoned to Mrs. Douglas May or Mrs. Jack Bryson. Donations of sewing and other bazaar articles are asked for the bazaar-tea being planned. Mrs. Robert Winters and Mrs. A.C. Rigelsford were named April lunch hostesses and lunch at this meeting was served by Mrs. D.A. Slater and Mrs. F.V. Harness. A donation of $25.00 was made to:-Wayside Chure Fort William, by the United Church Women at their regular March meeting with Mrs. Wesley Clemens presiding. The request was made by Mrs. Beatrice Stamp, that the money be used in the Church's local mission work, much of it concerned with young people's problems . Quarterly allocation was sent to Superior Presbytery. It was agreed to cater for a luncheon at 1.30 on March 15 for thirty attending a conference in Schreiber sponsored by the Parks and Recreation committee. Mrs. Frank Fummerton will convene this meal. A coffee and bake sale was planned for March 22 in the United Church hall, from 2.30 to 4.30 with Mrs. Russell Macadam convening, Mrs. Clemens agreed to order flowers for the church for the Easter Whidowd Gk the Tak Piaeal Dene apeawend ty HART Keel Sates service. Mrs. Russel Macadam reported that the ig . ee Women's World Day of Prayer had been most success ful this year in both attendance and the order of service. The insurance on the manse was renewed through Bruce Simon. A list of food labels was read and o members asked to save these as a means of renewing 4 kitchen supplies. Helen Williamson wrote thanking q the UCW for their donation to the high school stud- ent council. Mrs. C.E. Prinselaar, took the devo- tional service from the Lenten booklet. Mrs. Oscar Niemi agreed to continue as sewing convener until = the end of this year and reported that one quilt has | SCHREIBER DETACHMENT O .P.P. REPORT already been completed and regular quilting sessions}! will shortly be announced. She made a donation to During the past week the Schreiber Detachment the treasury . of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated ore Mrs. T.P. Whent was appointed to the Manse motor vehicle accident., which resulted in approx . committee. Mrs: Clemens showed the songbooks she $185.00, damage . From March 2, 1969 to March 8 had purchased and a sing song was enjoyed, led by 1969 members of this Detachment patrolled 3,236 Mrs. Frank Fummerton. Reports were given by Mrs. miles of highways and logged 240 hours. There were C6, Prinselac, Nis: Russel} Mocadadi: irs F: three Liquor Control Act investigations, which re- Fummerton and Mrs. Clemens, who attended the sulted 43 two persons being charged with " Having Superior Presbytery held in First Church United in Liquor and one person charged with "Minor Consum Fort William on February 25 th. ing"/ There was one occurrence of a Break, Enter & Theft, whick is stili under investigation. Two charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act - 12 persons Mr. and Mrs. Ray Potvin and family of Windsor were warned and 27 vehicles were given safety check are visiting Mrs. Potvin's mother Mrs. Leslie Comea and other relations. Mrs. Alice Potvin of Port Arthur and Mrs. Frank Altogether it takes about 15 minutes for a driver's Auge of Fort William spent the weekend with rela- eyes to accustom to the dark, yet few motorists wait tions and old friends. J even 15 seconds .