PAGE 8 Sweetheart 'Spiel - cont'd from page 5 TERRACE BAY PICK-UP * assisted by Stella Gusul; Prize Chairman - Ann MONDAY, Pelto and Lunch Convenor - Elaine Zwir. WED NESDAY Winners in the A event were: Skip - Sheila & SATURDAY Hughes with Charlie Koski, Bonnie Hamilton and Clem LeMay. Runners-up were: Skip - Ann Latour with Emil Boucher, Joan Nugent and Flloyd Lie- brock. An extra end had to be played to determine the winner. Winners in the B event were: Skip - Norma Crockford, John Teniuk, Mary Clare Kennedy and Terry Scott. Runners-up were: Skip - Betty Bou- chard with Dan Rafalant, Pauline Phillips and Georgette Nugent. Below - winners of 5 event C.W.L. HOLDS MEETING ON FEBRUARY 9TH The St. Martin's Parish Council of the Catholic Women's League met in the Church Hall on Sunday evening, February 9th, preceded by the Executive meeting, and the Recitation of the Rosary. Father Harris opened the meeting with the League Prayer and Scripture was read by Mrs. F.. Helmink. President Mrs. W. Corrigan chaired the meeting: Mrs. W. Pytyck read the minutes of the last meeting and the correspondence. Treasurer Mrs. D. Kenney ' gave the financial report. Reports were heard from standing committees. The President thanked those ladies who had helped to clean the kitchen. A motion was made to hold the executive meetings | on the Sunday evening preceding the regular meeting .J Father Harris spoke on the forthcoming Parish ; Mission to be held March. 17th to 28th. It will be conducted by Rev. Cyril McGuire, C.P. It was i: decided to contribute the Parish Library to the school | An agreement was reached on the type of sinks to be | purchased for the kitchen. Mrs. R. Boyle asked the Jf ladies to remember to save their Canada Packer labels A Parish Penny Auction will be held on April 25th, convened by Mrs. R. Beaulieu, Mrs. R. LeClair and Mrs. W. Shynkaryk. The meeting closed with a | prayer. Mrs. D. Desrosiers and her committee served | lunch. ' INCOME TAX POLICY iF YOU QUALIFY, YOU MAY PURCHASE A LIFE INSURED OR A RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN. THIS WILL BE REGESTERED FOR YOU TO OBTAIN INCOME TAX DEDUCTIONS. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES WISHING FURTHER . Miss Kristine Louise Dey, with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Day of Port Arthur, spent the week-end with very proud grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brown of Terrace Bay. Sunday morning, Kristine was baptized in the Community Church, with Rev. G. Husser officiating, assisted by Mr. T. Brown, in his capacity as elder. New maid (who has been told to address the quests correctly, ushering in admiral ): "This way, your flagship." INFORMATION PERSONALLY, PHONE BILL KIRKPATRICK YOUR LOCAL METROPOLITAN LIFE REPRESENTATIVE TELEPHONE SCHREIBER 576