November 28, 1968 Second Terrace Bay Pack. Photo by M. lundberg. It was an Indian setting complete with wig-wams, hides, the girls in headdress, moccasins and bfankets for the Brownie Fly Up to Guides held on November |2 with colors presented. The Guiders formed a Horseshoe and the Brownies a Fairy Ring. Flying up to Guides were : Ist pack - Rosalind Cormier, Isle Smith, Carla Crockford, Diane Jones. 2nd pack - Janet Roberts, Julie Randa Michelle Stortini, Jane Ann Doyle, Debbie Vienn- eau, Maria Hermes. 3rd pack - Diane Coupal, Lauri Schritt, Charlene Nesbitt. The Brownies received their headdress from the Brown Owls and upon leaving Brownies received their certificate and wings. The wings being the Terrace Bay News | Above photo Page 3A _ highest Brownie honor. They received their blankets from M. VanderKam as they flew up to Guides. A campfire scene was evident and Taps chanted by the girls . « Many mothers were present to view the colorful ceremony. . - the two outstanding athletes for the 1967-68 chool year. Alex Geuthier and Mary Speziale. Above photo: Susan Bromley (Junior girls track and field champion; Alex Gauthier (Senior boys track and field champion} and Mary Speziale (Senior girls track and field champion, ) TAR-NICOTINE STUDY (from - 2A The main purpose in re- leasing this information is to allow people to kmow ter and nicotine levels of the cigarettes they smoke so they my, af they wish, avoid those with high and choose those with low levels. In using the table smokers are advised not to attach undue importance to difference of a few milligrams of tar be- tween brands. 'The important thing is that some cigarettes hav fairly low ter and nicotine levels, many have intermediate and some high levels. Cigarettes with high levels have two or three times the amount of tar and nicotine of other brands. yar measurements range from levels of 8 to 12 milligrams fer some cigarettes to over 30 milligrams in others. Generally, but not always, nicotine levels increase or decrease with tar levels. (continued on Page 4A) gS SERS LE PRR ARERR AI ANNO ON EE iE LEDS BI