TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 26, 1968 FRONT ROW: Miss Jane Syvitckikg, Miss Sandy Dennison (grade 3), Miss Sandra McLean (grade 4), Sister Daniel Joseph (grede 1), Mrs. Ajeet Deol (grade 6), Miss Muriel Holmes. BACK ROW: Mrs. louise Karng - Secretary; Mr. Anthony Speziale (grade 8 and vice-principal); Mr. Gary Speck (grade 7), Sister St. Timothy = rrinci e e = rr M s (grade 6) and Sister Roselle (grade 5) . a" Ce ences Meet Your Teacher - cont'd from page 15 ACROSS -Dirty -Airplan R Mr. one 1 i io. F € sist tail r B Stewart was born mn Clifford, Ontario 1-Discharged "garage" ee nar eae Lene His elementary grades were completed in a one room 9-Cut -W ° ~ 12/Opera by 'Interpose country school. From here he attended high school 56-Command to 44-Printer's measure 46-Flight of steps 48-Evade 51-Slave 52-Decay | 53-Communist party (abbr.) 55-Surrounded 59. Hail! 60-Lease 62-Bacteriolo- gist's wire 63-Weight of India | 64-River in Siberia 65-Places DOWN 1-Posed for portrait 2-Hasten 3-Unusual 4-Baby frog 5-Wall painting 6-Printer's measure 7-Occupy a chair Verdi -Preposition es ¢ 13-Mussel "Hit "hard 3 ME) at Wingham, Ontario, graduating into Waterloo as -Quote ° ° . 1 ° . . spreader :Bronoun University and later attending Queen's University. a Note of scale | So. malating® to Mr. Stewart began his career by teaching Mathe- 19-British baby the singing j 2 i ; carriage birds SENT | matics in Hanover, Pembrooke and Toronto. Prior 21 "Theater ph i hi h is puree K ll pe ree: Tete, is eae to this year he was vice~principa at Kemptville, 27-A continent law Ontario 2a-Handic a0Of neither 47-Gray t 29-Pair sex $P: Ter leg WA si:adtamertae In his spare time he enjoys travelling, reading and 31-Knock 43-Compass 49-Devotion tive ending oye . . ° ° : : 34-Near point 50-Reverbera- _58-French: politics. Antique collecting is also an interesting re ¢ . ti of the - a a 38-Negative 45-Physician 54. Metal 61-Artificial and enjoyable hobby of his f 39-Number (abbr.) fastener language , aa-Colns When asked why he took up the position in Schrei ber, he replied that having travelled through a couple of times, he had found the area quite appeal- ' q ing. Although Mr. Stewart has been with-us only a short while, we'are confident that he is devoted to his work and will prove to be one of the best prin- ciples we've ever had. The prospect of having a lady for our President doesn't bother us'so much; it's the though of having a man for our First Lady. Drive defensively-you may save your own life!