PAGE 4 HOURS 6:00 A.M. TO 2A.M. TASTY MEALS TO PLEASE Att lat da and BUDGETS FOR | TAKE-OUT ORDERS JUST cALL3723 thank all the people RESTAU ANT Corner Mill Rd. & Hwy, 17 CARD OF THANKS - We w of Terrace Bay who took pat iving us most won- derful memories of the tow ople we associated with during our stay. von |oonholn will always be remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sitch CARD OF THANKS - To Dr. Uzicanin and nurses and hospital staff and all those who sent cards, gifts flowers and visited me while was in Terrace Bay Hospital, my grateful and<incere thanks. Forbes Macadam. FOR SALE - Singer Sewing Machine. Phone 207, Schreiber oe FOR RENT - three roomu entrance. Phone 3382 \ tairs apartment. Private WANTED TO BUY- two used bi€ycles. Phone 3605. ne 3340 and ask for WANTED TO RENT- eee: house in either . Terrace Bay or Schreiber . D. Martin. NOTICE - Due to the Postal Strike, the colouring page for the Elmer Safety Contest was not received this week. We will resume publication of same as soon as the strike is over. A dying man told his wife, "I want association members to be my pallbearers." "Why?", she asked. "You never belonged to the organization." "They've carried me this far," he replied, "they might as well carry me the rest of the way." Maturity is knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech. TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY 25, 1968 Deliveries and pick-ups hq will be made in' Terrace Bay on sagas s and SCHREIBER, ONTARIO Telephone 155 So many little 'extras" to re=.-- member to make yours the wed- ding of your dreams. And you'll find them all here-in. perfect taste. Our friendly staff will be happy to help you in your selection. Beautifully engraved ... Gerrare Bay Nema TERRACE BAY PHONE 3747 BIRCH MOTORS Your DODGE & PLYMOUTH | Dealer in Schreiber ,. CHRYSLER CANADA LTD. 640 ASSOCIATE DEALER