JUNE 6, 1968 . - photo by L. Niiranen Mr. and Mrs. Archie Heinrich were photographed signing the register in Terrace Bay Community Chure during the ceremony on May 18th, which united them in marriage. Mrs. Heinrich is the former Miss Vivian Gresdal . Roger and Adelaide have returned after a five day visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thurihe Beaulieu, of Kapuskasing, Ontario. RECREATION BRIEFS - by David Courtemanche Art Club Meeting ~ There will be a business meeting of the Art Club this coming Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Arts and Crafts room. 1 = Last call for ladies and gentlemen who wish t ea special period of time for swimm- | ing during the summer ence for a ce time, plec Recreation Office (3542) and we will endeavour to establish this time for free swimming, or, if you wish swim instruction. Swimming Lessions - Registrations for swimming lessons will be distributed to both the elementary and separate schools this week. This year, non- swimmers who are taking lessons for the first time will need to be a minimum of 45" in height. The reason for this is that the water in our pool is 39" months. tf you have prefer- | artain day of se phone the TERRACE BAY NEWS Minor Softball - The Minor Softball programme is PAGE 15 e ANNUAL INSPECTIONS RCSCC SUPERIOR NLWG PRINGESS ROYAL TERRACE BAY ARENA JUNE 8 7:30 p.m. ALL PARENTS AND FRIENDS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND deep at the shallowest end, and the minimum height of 45" for each child will allow him or her to stand on the bottom of the pool and still have their heads above the water. The minimum age will still be 5 years old as of July Ist, 1968. The registration forms for swimming lessons must be returned to the Recreation Office not later than Wednesday, June 12th. Weather permitting, the pool will be opening on approximately June 20th providing repairs and maintenance are completed by that time. Minor Hockey Photos - Any persons wishing to a~ cquire photograph is taken at the Minor Hockey ban- quet or of Ron Shock's visit, may do sob) ing the Recreation Office. The pho display on the Recreation Centre sy Con tact- tographs are on bulletin board and may be 'purchased for .50¢ per photo, through the Recreation Office. Payment is required in advance. Roller Skating - Plans are still being finalized for the Roller Skating program. It is our intention to present a more colourful program in this activity this summer for your enjoyment. Keep watching the NEWS. working out very well and all the parents who are (Cont'd on e 17)