PAGE 10 Schreiber - cont'd from page 11 LEGION AUXILIARY PLANS BIRTHDAY PARTY Vice-President Violet Rigelsford presided for the April meeting of the ladies auxiliary to the Canadia Legion, with 21 members present. Mrs. J. Langtry was initiated into membership. Mrs. E. Nesbitt re- ported that April 10 and 14th will be social evenings White River auxiliary sent an invitation to their annual party on April 27, at which husbands and escorts will also be welcomed. It was decided to hold the Schreiber birthday party on May 11, and also to invite district repre- sentative, Ada Steel to attend. Invitations will also be sent to auxiliaries in Red Rock, Nipigon, Terrace Bay, Marathon, Manitouwadge and White River. Mrs. Lillian MacDonald will convene the cabaret party which will follow the birthday dinner meeting. A cabaret party was planned for the holiday week end on May 20th. Mrs. K. Davis reported on the recent district Le- gion convention. Members were surprised at the many projects supported by other auxiliaries in the district. Mesdames J. Morris, W.G. Furlonger, Lilian Christie will be lunch hostesses for the May meeting. Hostesses for the April meeting were Mesdames 1. Johnson, L. Hiller, R. Hewson and J. Freezon. ae Me a OR i ie i ape ie ee ie di de de ae GRAND MASTER OF 1.0.0.F. OF ONTARIO VISITS SCHREIBER LODGE Bruno Mongrain, Grand Master of the 1.0.0.F. of Ontario paid a formal visit to Schreiber Lodge #402, accompanied by George Burns, district de- puty master, and 28 members of 1.0.0.F. lodges at the Lakehead. Local Nobel Grand, John Dejonghe, welcomed Mr. Mongrain, whose address was on the work of the 1.0.0.F. Mr. Mongrain whose home is in Matheson, Ontario, was also accompanied -by his wife and son Robin. Members of Rebekah lodge were present as guests. Following the meeting, Mrs. Agnes Bryson played for a singsong, after which lunch was served. Shown in the photo by Inez McCuaig, on the top right column are, from left to'right: Bruch Mon- grain, Grand Master of 1.0.0.F-. of Ontario, George Burns, D.D.G.M., and John Dejonghe, Schreiber lodge Noble Grand. TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 11 1968 JOHN DANYLEVICH BURIED IN SCHREIBER The funeral of the late John Danylevich, aged 72, whose death occurred suddenly in his home, April Ist, was conducted in St. John's Anglican Church on April 3rd, by Rev. Arthur Chabot of Mar athon. Mrs. Lester McCuaig was organist and the hymns chosen were "Unto the Hills" and "Breathe On Me . Breath of God" ~ Schreiber's full council and town workers formed a guard of honor, and active pall bearers were Harry Shack, Walter Shevchuk, Phillip Dankovich, Alex Furyk, Walter Ilijow, and Walter Lewicki. Interment was in Schreiber cemetery. Mr. Danylevich's immediate survivors are his wife one daughter, Mary (Mrs. J. Jarva) of Schreiber, two grandaughters; Marlene Jarva, Waterloo Univer sity, Sharon Jarva, McKellar School of Nursing, Fort William; and three nieces; Mrs. J. Molinski of Vancouver, Mrs. Peter Sparks, and Mrs. David Nes bitt of Schreiber. Born in Austria, Mr. Danylevich came to Schrei- ber in 1912 and was employed with Maintenance of Way Dept., remaining there until he was pensioned in 1960. He was married in October, 1922 in St. John's Anglican Church. Mr. Danylevich was not a member of organizations, but rather, a good friend to his neighbors; toy-mender for all the children in the neighborhood, and advisor to would-be garden- ers ( his own being the best in town). Attending the funeral from out of town were Miss | Sharon Jarva of Fort William and Mrs. J. Molinski of Vancouver. SOE RR BR ORE BB ROR RR Se On Thursday, April 11th, there will be a service at 10 a.m. in St. John's Anglican Church. On Easter Sunday, the service will be held at 8.30.a.m. On Friday, April 12th, there will be a joint ser- vice in St. Andrew's United Church at 7 p.m.