FEBRUARY 15, 1968 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 C.W.L. HEAD TABLE - PAST PRESIDENTS KOLESAR'S «== SPECIALS {dae dn PHONE 3327_ TERRACE PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15, 16, and 17th. NYLONS Per PAIR -- QOG BASEMENT F | BARGAINS MANY CLOTHING BARGAINS TNO Shown in the above photo by Marg Lundberg are from left to right: Mrs. G. Dashkewytch, Father Cano, Mrs. Shack, Mrs. E. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Fs Helmink, Father Harris,and Mrs. M. Nicol. FOR YOUR VALENTINE GIFTING just arrived! spring suits dresses & co--ordinates _ Shown in the photo below by Marg Lundberg, is Sign on a Chicago billboard: "Now you can borrow enough to get completely out of debt." ACROSS 7-Affirmative Falesiieis or Joey Hale, Grade 8 Student at St. Martin's School, 5-One, no 9-Hairy i i i wmaticr which 10-Man"s name who was presented with the Kiwanis Student of the -Girl's name -Nobleman 12-Liquid 16-Vessels Month Award. measure 18-Newts 13-Falsehood 22-Writing 14-Thus tablet 15-Mexican 23-Chemrical shawl compound ee ' Ae ot at 19-Muse vu -Inle poetry 27-A_ state (O| S| 3] Sie 5} 117) 20-Narrow inlet (abbr.) HOMO BNW BEE of the sea 29-Macaw sion eet ages - weets 35-Paw 24-Exist roe oh, Skaticaiient 40-Ceremonies 46-Furrow 26-Shuts noisily cal ratio 42-Prophets aaa 28-Dine nile 37-Small valley --_#8-Horse's ae 32-Mohamme- 38-Place for neck hair 53-A state dan name combat (pl.) 44-Solo (abbr. ) 33-Sun god 34-Young boy 36-Remain erect 38-Sink in middle 39-Great Lake 41-Direction 43-Morning prayer 45-Jumps 48-Rugged mountain erest (pl.) 50-Sewing implement 51-Baseball team 52-Time gone by 54-Tumult 55-Consumes 46-Small lump 57-Carpenter's tools DOWN The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 223, held their Executive Committee meeting on Feb.,8 at the Legion Hall. Various programs were discussed and will be presented to the general meet- ing to be held on February 20th. All members are 1-Part of urged to attend. A penny auction will be held in the 2-Mock Legion Hall on Sunday, February 18th. Everyone is hehe welcome. 5-Beverage 4 : etait for 2 (Cont'd on page 8) nickel