TERRACE BAY NEW } ERVING THE DISTRICT FE Do you recognize anyone in this photograph taken of a Public School Class about twelve or so years ago? ? KC-ECF ANNUAL MEETING HELD LAST THURSDAY The annual meeting of members of the Kimberly- Clark Employees Charity Fund was held on February 8th. Chairman, W. Baillie, reported that 1967 had not been a particularly good year for the fund - re- ceipts were down about $600 from the 1966 total. H stated that several members have increased their mon thly contributions as a result of an appeal from the Board and that 22 new members have been enrolled in the current canvass of non-members. Clement Lemay was elected to the Board of Direc- tors to fill a vacancy. Officers and Directors are Chairman W. Baillie; Vice-Chairman G. Ramsay; Sec.-Treas. J. Mac- Donald; and Directors W. Harris, P. Buck, V. Hop- per, H. Hamilton, J. Steen and C. Lemay. ART AND CRAFT CONSULTANTS COMING Recreation Director David Courtemanche, this week announced that on Monday, March 11th, ata time and place to be announced later, Mr.. Walter Sunahara and Miss M.E. Muff of the Ontario Depart- ment of Education, Toronto, will meet with all inter- ested persons, organizations and teachers to discuss and identify areas of training and local needs. Fur- ther information will appear in forthcoming issues of the Terrace Bay News. If you or your group are in- terested, do not hesitate to contact the Recreation Office, advising us of your interest. Are You Interested In Sewing? - There are a few in- terested people but not enough at this time to hold a class. If you would be interested in a later date, perhops April, please phone (Cont'd on page 10)