PAGE 10 "LET'S GET ACQUAINTED" We are pleased to introduce to our readers cartoons by a talented young man who recently returned to Terrace Bay, Bill Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomas. Bill attended school here prior to en- listing in the U.S. Marines where he served for 9 years. Married to the former Miss Connie Barker, Bill is father to Brian, aged 5 and David, aged 2. During periods when Bill was separated from his family, he amused himself by using his artistic talent to draw cartoons showing some of the escapades of his little boys. NOTICE RE 1968 DOG TAGS TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY By-law Number 129B states that the owner, possessor or harbourer of every dog, shall on or before the Ist day of March of each year, cause the same to be registered, numbered, licensed and described, in the Municipal Office. Tags are available and may be obtained at the Municipal Office. Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 12 Noon and 1.00 p.m. to5 p.m. W.J. Hanley, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Terrace Bay MINOR HOCKEY NEWS Peewee Game Results - February 8 ougars | Mustangs 0 Goal for Cougars scored by A. Vander- kam. Teen League Game Results-February 8 Jets - 6 Comets - 3 Goals for Jets scored by C. Simmer (2), L. Legault (2), R. Hamilton and B. Brend. Goals for Comets scored by K. Turner (2), and L. Pinkerton. TERRACE BAY NEWS BOYS... Peay TOGETHES NICELY, NOW... gad "Baan 5 GOING TO WIT ME!" ) ( en WwW LEAVE YOUR. BROTHER "S MONE..... CAN'T YOU PLAY NICE with iM USED. ARTICLES FOR SALE FEBRUARY 15, 1968. _ Recreation News - cont'd from front page , the Recreation Office now (3542) so plans can be made. Let us know what time of year suits you best. Are there any more teenagers inter- ested in learning to sew? Perhaps you would like a class of just girls. If this would be more convenient for you, it could be held right after school. Noti fy the Recreation Office right away if you are interested. Public Skating Wednesdays-1.30-3.30 pre-school 3.30-5 .30 public skating - 7.00-9.30 p.m. -1.30-4.00 p.m. 7 .00-9.00 p.m. Also, the outdoor community ice rink on the Tot Lot in.the Popular Crescent area, which is maintained by the neighy bours in that area, is always open to use. Art Club On Thursday, February 15th, the Art Class will be working on mono-prints. Members of the class should make a special effort to attend as this is an in- teresting project and quite different from what has been done on previous classes. Material required will be a » piece of glass, brushes , turpentine, masking tape and paper - preferably of a fairly heavy quality. Fridays Sundays 1 Sylvania T.V.; one wringer washer; 1 refridgerator; combination bed chest erfield, chair; kitchen table with 4 chairs, one coffee table. Phone 213 Schreiber. © CARD OF THANKS -- Mrs. Miller of New Zealand wishes to thank all those who sent get-well cards to her during her recent illness. It was such a plea sure to see that friends so very far from her in distance are kept close in heart. Thank you one and all.