'DECEMBER 14, 196 TERRACE BAY NEWS TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. WEW_OFFICE HOURS Youday - 7 to § p.m. Thuredsy - 2 te 3 p.m | Tuesdey - 9.90 te 11.9 a.m. Thureday - 7 te ere a | Published every Thursday at the New: ?rinting Plant, Post Tuceiag - 2 to § pom ae : oe van: "ts | Offive Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825-3747. Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday morning. FIRE - AUTO & CASUALTY !NSURANCE Classified Ads - minimm cherge 50g (20 vords afi under). Cards of Thanks and Announcements - minimum charge $1. - (30 Notary Public words and under). Subscription rate $2.50 per year. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa and for peyment of postage in cash. Bruce Simon Schreiber - - Telephone 315 NOTICE a Ps Fs " « Pt * a cs Y Er RASS C Pon pee Soe By ee Wee eh Oe A e Rp Ft Fe e RE: SNOW REMOVAL - TOWNSHIP ROADS FOR RENT - five room apartment. Apply 109 Drummond St. or phone 762 Schreiber. By-Law #51C of The Township of Terrace Bay provides as follows: Seotion 89 - H.T.A. Sub. Sec. #9 "Notwithstanding the. other provisions of this section, no person shall perk or leave standing any vehicle whether ettended or unattended on a highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of other traffic or the oleering of snow from the highwey." FOR SALE - one pair junior Sno-shoes, and one pair size 1 Mukluks. Bhone 3289. FOR SALE - 2 pairs girls figure sketes, sizes 3 and 4; one 1966 model play typewriter; youth size Maxime sweater. Phone 3258. BOY SCOUT CHRISTMAS TREES are now on sale at the following addresses: J. Shritt, 72 Leurier Ave., and M. Nicol, 457 Fort Gerry Rd. WANTED - dependeble woman for steady employment - upstairs work in small hotel. Apply to Box 579, Terrace Bay Sub. Sec. #11 "A constable or an officer appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of this Act, upon discovery of any vehicle perked or left in contravention of subsection 9 or of a municipal by-law, may cause it to be moved or take teken to and pleced or stored in a suiteble place and all costs and cherges for removing, cere and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicle, which may be enforced in the manner provided by section 48 of The Mechenios! Lien Act, R.S.0. 1950." 5 TARTAROFF - for gleaming white teeth. New improved formula, Powder form, removes Tartar and steins of nicotine, quickly. Only 79g at WAGHORNE PHARMACY. WANTED TO BUY = one pair little boy's skates size 11 and one peir girl's skates size 13. Phone 3677. "Highway" - includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles; Self conscious due to acne, pimples and similer blemishes? HYDSOLIN will help clear your complexion. Clear, colorless, equelly effective on dry or oily skin, use night or day. Meny pleased users. Ask your druggist for HYDSOLIN today. $1.50 at Waghorne Pharmacy Persons ere reminded that Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company snow removal equipment will be in operation during snow storms between the hours of 12.00 Midnight to 8.00 a.m Vehicles left on Township streets after 12.30 a.m. during such operations wiil be subject to the above Highway Traffic Act regulations. CARD OF THANKS - I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. McCausland, Dr. Uzicanin, Mrs. Buck, Nurses and staff of Terrace Bay Hospitel, Canadian Legion Branch 109 and the kind friends that sent me cards while in Hospital. My sincere thanks. Penalties ere provided for any infraction of this By-Law. A.C. Rigelsford W.J. Hanley, Clerk-Treasurer The Corporation of The Township of Terrace Bay ANNOUNCEMENT:- The Ziegelman family wish to inform the public of "Change of Name" to Allen. Al, Rite, Sandra, Joan Diane, Gordon, Cheryl, Catherine Allen. DRY CLEANING MAYTAG WASHERS - 25¢ PER LOAD Hours 1 - 4 p.m. Mon. through Sat. LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS - 10¢ for 8 LB. LOAD - - $2.00 10 min. Superior Coin Laundry & Dry Cleaning REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825 -9787