Page 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS Cctaben 2, ear C.G.1.T. MEETING (from Page 4) There is a limited amount of C.G.1.T. candy kisses }j 'available this year,. so if interested phone Mrs. _ ACROSS " 3.Sham A . teers 4-Scatter Brooks, Mrs. Megraw or Mrs. Mendelin. «europe Ga cine ee 9-Unit of 6-Extras ate ' Siamese 7-Seines a] : EVEN DOLLARS AN INCH Mea 8-Female sheep @¢ : -Arrow 9-Girl' > Tuess was a viryicutr stretch of track im Northern 3 Buy forth 10.Woody plant ae Ontario that worried Sis Joim A. Macdonald nos a little agency (init.) 1 a lake when the Canadian Pacific was under construction. The cau te eee 3} 1 costs rose to ap astronomical $11 an inch. Sir John was OG ag begs pease afraid the country wouldn't like it or him. It is not hard oe disk ak SOLUTION ' * e-. : -Agai . to imagine what the wily politician would have thought 24-Note of scale 22-Totals 34-Predetermine = 44-Walk ie 3 25-Man's name 23-Agproach 36-Bacteriologist's 45-Exists about the prediction that the final figure for the Prince 26.Lair 25-Macaws wire A7-Chinese Edward Island causeway will be $2,000 for every resident =f. 27-Sandy waste 27-Mend with Ei ops a a of the island province. nee 28-Mistake 41-Pertormer 50-Abstract being ae ik , 29-Regrets 42-Man's name 53-F Island At first glance At might be expected that the political Stree id 30-Part in play 43-Containers whirlwind i 8 . consequences of $11 an inch in the 1870s and $2,000 an Islander in 1967 would be the same, but this is not neces- sarily so. Taxpayers have been so conditioned by the spending of governments that they now are inclined to accept high costs with less fussing. I 25054 : 0505 S59 4 q 35-Senior (abbr.) 36-Commands 38-Lamprey 39-Man's nickname 40-Negative 41-The caama 42-The sweetsop *, o, > 2 Oo . -- ~ x] x oY 2, Be S| : Cr 39 KS KS 55 2 KS es . oy 44-Severe -- 46-Small dining Bose] 2 ESS area 'atotet x 4 CLERK*S NOPICE OP FIRS? POSTING OF VOTERS® LIST 48-Steps over a O oO ©. KS fence PS bo) Pere ae CeenNgn+# : 51-Conjunction 55 : : : 52-Danish island xe Veters® List 1967 Township of Terreee Bay, 54-River in - aa Siberia PS District of Thunder Bay. 55-Manuscripts 'abbr. 56-Part of church 57-Soaks DOWN 1-Paid notices 2-Unit of Latvian . currency oO XX OL % O S q J 3 4 O O oe, Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of The Voters' Lista Act and that I have posted up at my office at Terrace Bay, on the 12th day of October, 1967 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality of Municipal Elections, and that such list remains thete for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings te have any errors or omissions corrected to law, the last dey fer appeal being the 26th day of October, 1967. f 22%, "4 ey | | | SR BeL9 iS >» <x] | | 8 | § ee J 8 ROY Oa 2 oe ra ' TERRACE BAY NEWS We J. Hanley,Clerk-treasurer, The Corperation of The Township of Terrace Bay. Dated this 12th day ef October, 1967. Phone 3747 will be cancelled. Mrs. J. Brooks will be instructing and classes will be held Tuesday nights in the Rec- reation Centre. Registration fee is $8.00 for 8 weeks Advance registration fee will be $4.00 payable the first night of the course., October 24 is starting date. Ladies' Keep Fit Classes = start Tuesday, October 10 in the large meeting room of the Recreation Centre. -Anyone interested may. call the Recreation Office. Class begins at 8.30 p.m. and fee is $3.00 paying for 4 weeks in advance. Men's Basketball and Volleyball - starts Tuesday at the High School at 8.30 p.m. Registration fee $1.00 and you must be 1I6 years or over. ( see Page 12) ADVANCED POLLS { from Page 1) 'The advance polls are situated at Nipigon, Schrei- ber, Geral dton, Nakina and are open at 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. E.S.T. L.R. McCuaig, Returning Officer. RECREATION BRIEFS - by D. Courtemanche. Sewing Course - This is the last call for registrations. A minimum of 10 must be registered or the course