Page 12 UNITED CHURCH WOMEN ( from Page 1|3) Mrs. Oscar Niemi, sewing convenor, asked members to begin donations now so that they will be ready for the bazaar. Mrs. Bill Gerow and Mrs. Ivor Jacomb agreed to act on the Fall visitation committee. TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION MEETS The East Thunder Bay Tuberculosis Association met on September |0 in the home of the secretary, W.G. Furlonger with Mrs . K.J. Davis presiding. lt was reported that an eye examination and A donation from LongLac in memory of the late Dr. Green was forwarded to the research foundation in Toronto. Dr. Scott, medical superintendent, of the Sana- t orium, thanked the association for his visit this summer, Mr. Furlonger for assuming the duties of executive secretary, and Mrs. Norman McCuaig, retiring secretary, for her co-operation during the many years in that office. Policy of the E.T.B.T.B.A. was stressed - that it is not authorized, and will not, assume the costs of any survey not arranged in advance, or through the Association. Mr. Furlonger reported on his attendance at the annual OTA meeting in Toronto, saying he had been warmly welcomed, happily surprised at the number of doctors taking part, and their addresses were presented in laymen's language which could be grasped by the many non-medical delegates. Mr. Furlonger also thanked Mrs. McCuaig and treasurer L.R. McCuaig for their advice during his first few months in office HIGH SCHOOL CENTENNIAL WRITING CONTEST Talented teenagers across Canada will share over $5,000. prize money in a writing contest exclusive- ly for secondary schools sponsored by Canada Perm- anent Trust. Rules state entries of up to 2500 words can be on "any subject that makes you eager to talk on paper". Entries will be taken in either English or French. Top awards are $1,500. first prize, $1,000 second and $500 third. There will also be sixteen prizes of $100. and twenty honour- able mentions of $25. Interested students can get full details from their English teacher. The contest closes November |. Three students will receive their awards at a spec- ial awards dinner in Toronto, December 15, 1967. TERRACE BAY glasses were supplied to a district sanatorium patien#. BOWLING NEWS NEWS > : MINOR HOCKEY REGISTRATION Next week minor hockey registration forms wikl be distributed at both public and separate schools. Hig school students are asked to pick their forms up at the Recreation Office. Registration fee will be $1.00 to cover insurance and operating costs. Forms are to be filled out and returned with $1.00 fee at the small meeting room of Recreation Centre on Saturday, September 23 between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. At present, two meetings have been held and the following executive elected: President L. Legault, Vice President R. Roberts, Secretary J. Beddard and Treasurer F. Sechesky. If anyone wishes to help with minor hockey this year, please contact one of the above executive members or phone the Recreation Office - 3542. September i4, 1967 GOLF NEWS Twilight winners last week were: Low Gross V. Timpano, Low Net P. Coupal, A. Costa, T.Olsen, N. Ross. Low Hole B. Hanley, High Hole C.Wise. Costa's Junior Club Championship on Saturday winners were: 12 and under - K. Hanley, 14 and under S. Harris, 16 and under M. Koski. D Rafalant finished an easy winner of the Men's Board of Directors tournament on Sunday to retain his trophy for the second successive year. Don't ask Jack Phillips about this game unless you have a lot of time to spare! Hector McLeod tells us he returned from the Legion tournament at the Lakehead Saturday with second prize in the B Event. Congratulations Hector . Other out of town golfers Saturday were B. Adamo and A. Pattison at Red Rock's Pro-Amateur tourna- ment. September 23 is the date set for our annual wind- up dance. More details of this event will be given in next week's "News". The executive of the Terrace Bay Bowling Associa- tion is preparing for the coming season of league bowling. Teams bowling the previous season and all individual players interested in bowling for the 1967- 68 season should register as soon as possible with the § Chairman of the league they wish to become part of . League chairmen are as follows: Mixed league - Bill Kurylo - phone 3597, ( continued on Page 10)