TERRACE BAY NEWS June 15, and intending to go on to further education. Members agreed to provide coffee and cakes for, the Open House during the afternoons of July 2,3, 4 marking Schreiber re-union. Jeannie McCuaig, it was reported, will be the Legion candidate for Kinsmen Centennial queen on July Ist. Following the meeting D.Finch, Port Arthur addressed the members on the Canada Pension Plan. SCHREIBER NEWS United Church Women's June meeting was preceded by dinner in the Superior Dining Room attended by twenty-eight. Members then went to the church hall for the business meeting with Mrs. John Spillane presiding. Mrs. E.C. Prinselaar was in charge of the devotional period, Mrs. Bill Thrower reported on the annual smorgasbord which was most successful . Mrs. Oscar Niémi, sewing convenor reported that another quilt was finished and $30. turned in to the treasurer. A donation was made to The Canadian Bible Society. It was agreed to attend the Canadian Centennial Pioneer Tea on July 4. The summer bake sales will be resumed. D. Finch will be guest speaker at the September meeting . Lunch hostesses were Mesdames J.Gray, L.Christie, A.Gordon and E. Holmes. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Johnson are away at Expo. Alvin Slater has laid out his vegetable garden in the Expo symbol . Lenora Campbell and Doug Stefurak will be the ones going for a leadership course sponsored by the high school board - this year at Longford Mills. The Royal Canadian Legion will hold Open House in honour of the Schreiber re-union during the afternoon of Sunday July 2, Monday July 3 and Tuesday July 4. Coffee and cakes will be served. Mrs. Carl Palmer and her brother Earl D'Arcy of Toronto, have come to visit their mother, Mrs. Iva D'Arcy who is ill in Terrace Bay Hospital . The sum of $600 was raised in the recent Cancer Fund collection. Of this $80. came from the sale of memorial cards and $33. for a collection in Rossport. The committee is most grateful to the public and to the many assisting with the door to door canvas. The Kinsmen, assisted by the High School students council, are sponsoring a concert to be given by the Beefeaters Band of Vancouver. The band, of boys and girls, numbers 71 and are accompanied by four adults. It will be a one night event on July 18 and since the group is to be billeted, offers of accommodation will be gratefully accepted by eithe Boyd Drake or Bob Turner. Mrs. Jessie McCanna and Mrs. Mavis Slater of Ruby Rebekah Lodge are in Toronto attending Tcthe Rebekah Assembly . Mr. & Mrs. B. Frost and family of Winnipeg visited Mr. & Mrs. L.McCuaig enroute to Toronto. Miss Marilyn Pearson and Miss Margaret Noland of Winnipeg visited with Mr. & Mrs. C.Pearson enroute to St. John N.B. for a vacation. Mr. & Mrs. Gino Spadoni have returned after a long visit in Italy. Frank Commisso and Nancy Spillane were elected Centennial Princess and Prince by the High School students. All senior citizens wishing transportation to the tea being held in their honour July 4, Guild Hall, are asked to call Mrs. L.R. McCuaig or R.B. Spadoni It is hoped that all will drop in during the afternoon to visit and share tea provided by the Centennial Committee and served by the Catholic Girls Club. LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY MEETING HELD Mrs. Neil Nesbitt and Mrs. Keith Nesbitt were initiated at the June meeting of the ladies auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 109, with Mrs. Jack Winters presiding . Mrs. Edgar LeBlanc was re-instated into member- ship. Mrs. Joe Molinski of Vancouver, was wel- comed as a guest. Social nights for June were set for the 14th and 26th. Preliminary plans for the annual Legion Field Day, this year , on August 7 were made. Mrs. Violet Rigelsford gave a first report on the collecting being done for the Red Shield - all results not in yet. Mrs. Joan Costall and Mrs. Inez McCuaig were delegated to renew the Legion auxiliary bursary of $50. which is awarded to students in Grades 12 and 13 for the hest marks Photo by Inez McCuaig. . grea test progress, not hig Some of the Cubs who received Green Badges recently.