WALKATHON (Continued from page 1...) from tourists who stopped and offered pe and re- freshments. The latter was gratefully accepted but they kept on walking. Frank Roen of Schreiber was the first to arrive at the Rossport turn-off - 24 miles in 4 hours and 40 minutes. The last of the thirty-four who finished the walk arrived nine hours and forty minutes after the stop, blistered, tired, but triumphant . At the reception held in the "Bishop's Dungeon" of the Community Church on Sunday, experiences were exchanged and discussed. Danny Ferguson and others spoke of thooling their heels' in Walker's _ Lake and MacLean Creek; Susan Graham claimed to have walked ten miles in stockinged or bare feet while Wendy MacMillan displayed the biggest blis- fers. ciel rt . i Hn - 'i A | i i inl inn nt j i nT Hil AULT i } i . ee MES CORP. Crp. | a i i yoann = . a + i a "am = ul il nt if ! a . i : "When I need me | holiday money, : y) | | borrow from i ||| Crescent Finance." _| --_ FINANCE RNY STATE _ In Terrace Bay, Phone 825-3286 Also on Sunday evening the HI-C executive bé- gan the task of totalling each walker's receipts. All of them had more than one sponsor, some like Wendy MacMillan as many as twenty-five, and all sponsors were more than generous, with a $25 donation from Kimberly-Clark Co. and another from the Credit Union. The final total should ex- ceed $700--a fine result for a very worthy cause. The walkers included Joanne and Ted Brown, Donald Husser, Valerie Boyd, Linda Helmink, Gary and Louise Brooks, Mary-Jane Hopper, Sheecn and Wendy MacMillan , Donna Rafalant, Nancy and Bobby Gould, Patsy Megraw, Graham and Meredith Coe, Phy/lis-Ann Turner, John and Susan Graham, Paulette and Mary-Ches: Coupal, Gail Simmer, Danny Ferguson, Keith Gorman, Linda Woodruffe, Tom Knight, a ik a 'd an Pa 10) Burs AAT i mt Mn Hi a si 7 sm ee UGrattd' Diane dL. Route Salesman- London, Ontario 4 . 4 : a i ma