PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS April 20, 1967 Ok = DRY CLEANING SALES & eres ESS. yaa Electrolux os pres -- Wawa, Sataric --Phone 656-2996 -- VACUUM CLEANERS ... FLOOR POLISHERS .. FIC. Kiwanis Club ICE FROLICS (Continued from page 1) taking the solo part. tal tel Four Mounties paraded for Saskatchewan and (o) a AA : : ; : ae "Wheat" in Manitoba rippled along smoothly with six | BADMINTON « Mon. & Wedenights High School skaters and Linda Dejonghe as soloist. i -- . hi a Oe sats ae tami Jamie Cumming soloed as the Centennial Spirit be- TERRACE BAY BAND PRACTISE - Sundsy, 8 p.m. fore Darlene Suo appeared as Star of the Frost in the KIWANIS CLUB DINNER MEETING - Tuesday 6.30 pom. ~ Hotel Northern Ontario Winter Wonderland. Linda Hayes COMMUNITY CHURCH AUXILIARY - FASHION SHOW - April 27 - Hotel sinh ca shied " Y LADIES CURLING CLUB - Meeting Apr.24 - 8 p.m. - Club Lounge reigned as Queen of the Festival in Southern Ontario' oe Apa AUXILIARY - Penny Auction - April 23 - 8 pem Niagara Fruit Festival and Jackie Turner appeared as Legion Hall. EASTERN STAR PENNY AUCTION - April 26 - 8 p.m. - Masonic Hall The Centennial Rose. A former Terrace Bay boy, Terry Delaronde, made | his appearance before intermission, giving a sparkling CARD OF THANKS - The Centennial Committee wish to performance and leaving one who has watched him thank everyone who helped in any way to since his first appearance on Terrace poping eo Se Bay ice with the feeling that this young the Moose Lodge and the Recreation Associe- man may one day be one of Canada's Bo ccoaee or aa oer tee bright hopes at the Olympics torium. Following intermission Terry reappear ed with Miss Caro! Chicka in a duet in which it was apparent that much prac- tice together had created such co-ordin- ation. In the Quebec number Wendy Evans- Smith was Mademoiselle in a French Moods number with four other jeune fille Ten Highland skaters saluted Nova Scotia with Joan Belliveau doing a- Sword Dance number. Jane and Judy Chopty were featured at a Charlottetow Confederation Ball (Prince Edward Is- land) while New Brunswick's floral em- blem 'Violets' were sisters Pam and Jamie Cumming. Gail Simmer was the Pride of the Fleet in Newfoundland's "The Fleets In" number and Shirley rneli was Diamon continued page 5.... DONALO J..RITCHIE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 209 ARTHUR STREET PORT ARTHUR, ONTARIO Bus. 345-6251 Res. 345-7574 Mrs.Margeret Helmink, Committee Chairman. BRIDE ELECT HONORED Mrs. John Benko convened a surprise shower in the Legion Hall for bride- elect Barbara Daley. Fifty-five ladies were present when Barbara, assisted by Darlene Pearen and Verna Daley open ed the many attractive gifts. Mrs. C .Daley, the bride's mother, and her future mother-in-law, Mrs. Ted Young sat beside Barbara as a delightful lunch was served by Verna ' Daley, Linda Woodruff, Heather Boyd and Mary-Clare Coupal. Mary Clare circulated the gift book. The co-con- venors for the lunch were Mrs. Bougie, Mes .Woodruff and Mrs, Steen. Shae eaei, meno -continued on Page 1¢ AROUND THE BEND AND OVER THE HILL -- HERE WE COME TO KILL THE BRIAN BIRCH OIL DEALER Telephone - Schreiber 640 G or 332 r