MEET DON FAIRBARN, OUR NEW DISFRICT SUPERVISOR WHO IS READY AT ALL TIMES TO SERVE YOU. SPRING CLEANING STARTED! S74 = =ACCEPTED SALES & SERVICE 14 Broadway -- Wawa, Ontario P.0. Bex 52 --Phone 856-2996 -- VACUUM CLEANERS --.. FLOOR POLISHERS --.. ETC. -- We specialize in cleaning Drapes Vie eotix and Slip Covers (CANADA) LIMITED E. FORTIN - LICENSED DEALER Write to Box 586 Terrace Bay or phone 3613 The Corporation of The Sownship of erkete Bay : KIWANIS CLUB OF TERRACE BAY CALENDAR OF EVENTS iTON - Mon. & Wed. nights RY SHOW - VYoyegeur Restaurant ART clUB = Verth 30, & p.m. Old Curling Lounge. BAY BAND PRACTISE - Sunday, 8 p.m. 1s ¢ Lu DINNER MEETING © - Tuesday, 6.30 p.m lot r iotel. (USE Eut!) THEATRE - The Tinderbox -- Auditorium, High School Auditoriun NOTICE RE ce GARBAGE COLLECTION By-Law No.27 of The Township of Terrace Bay, which provides regulations for the removal of garbage, ashes ~ ference | etc., reads in part, as follows: "No greasy matter, decayed meat or any kitchen refuse shall be left exposed to flies at any time, but shall be placed in suitable metallic cans provided with a fly-proof cover of same material, and deposit- ed as above set out, in order to give easy access to the garbage man. Leaking garbage ; SOCTRT ¥ - meeting Aprii 13 at 7.30 p.m. recreation centre. H AUXTLIARY - Fashion Show, April 27. SONSPIEL - Narch 31, April 1 and 2. Y COMMUNITY CHURCH - Ileeting, Monday, Guest specker Dr. Constance Jackson. Large (pril CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING - 7.30p.m. Smzi1 meeting room, April &. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE"S ORGANIZE On Thursday, March 23 a meeting was held in the Recreation Centre to organize a local association of the Progressive Conservative party. Fifteen party members were present and they duly appointed S. Hodgkiss as Chairman and C. Wise as Secretary to act until a general meeting is held on Tuesday, March 28. Appointment of delegates and alter- nates to the district convention on April 8 was discussed and time limit pointed out. Committees were appointed to pre- pare a flyer inviting Terrace Bay res- idents to attend Tuesday's meeting and to bring in a slate of officers for nomination. DONALD J. RITCHIE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 209 ARTHUR STREET PORT ARTHUR, ONTARIO us. 345-625] Res. 345-7574 AHOUSE BECOMES A CASTLE THE FINEST IN THE LAND, FOR THOSE WHO MAKE ME THEIR HEATING O/L MAN Sean JOIN OUR LIST OF corres a eds bs ow rie ay rela BRIAN BIRCH OIL DEALER Telephone - Schreiber 640 or 332 FOR SALE - cans or containers may be condemned by the garbage collector, and he shall have full authority to require a new Heavy objects such as stones, wet grass, etc., should not be deposited in garbage cans. This makes handling very difficult, and could cause serious injury. The co-operation of residents in comply ing with the above regulations is hereby requested . W.Hanley, Clerk-Treasurer . 2-houses selling for LESS than the price of one. Clean and well kept. Phone 205. Schreiber. How long have people been wearing necklaces? Since the old stone age 30,000 years.