March 30, 1967 SCHREIBER NEWS Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Bobka have the latter's brothers, Steven and Clint Bush of Cornwall with them for the holidays. The first bonspeil for students in Holy TERRACE BAY NEWS Bridge Angels Separate School was enjoyed a eo last week, arranged by Ron Peche and NORTH Harold Shack of the staff. Added to the as ; fun was a constant supply of hotdogs DK6 : was : CQ10543 and dancing for those waiting their ec uae turn on the ice. SQJ5 S762 H 1052 HQ4 Mr. & Mrs. Forbes Macadam are heaves eres spending holidays with Mr. & Mrs. CK9 C876 John Radcliffe-Branche in Beloeil, Que. Teck Mr. & Mrs. Bert Dejeet of Breslau, Ontario and Miss Janice Dejeet of Sydney, N.S. are visiting Mr. & Mrs. THE BIDDING: South West North East Russell Macadam. - - - sii = Mr. & Mrs. Ted Wainikka, enroute 3H Pass 4H Pass Pass Pass to a new home in Winnipeg, spent the weekend here, leaving their family for a visit with grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gerow and Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wainikka. Bill Scott was home from University in Winnipeg for the holiday. A family party was enjoyed in the Bill Weaver home with Fit. Sgt. and Mrs. H.R. Ross and children of North Bay, niece Loreen Harper of Toronto and David Sutherland also of North Bay. Mr. & Mrs. Barry Harper enter- tained also and Daryl Lynn Weaver camé from Fort William. ARTIFICIAL ICE FUND -Goal Times 8 mins. 50 sec., 6min. | sec., 7 min. l4sec., 8 min. 24sec., I5 min. 24 sec Winners for the Ith -- Mrs. Smart, Roger Renoux, Mrs. A.Morgan. Stan- ley Cup tickets will be on sale Satur- day. ROSSPORT NEWS Holiday guests with Mac Hubelit family were Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Hubelit of Wawa and Charles Gerow of Fort William. Mr. & Mrs. Don Moffatt of Tweed, Ontario were visitors with Mr. & Mrs. i L.Ibey the past week. OPENING LEAD: DIAMOND ACE > The most difficult bidding sit- uation to newcomers in bridge is the one in which the oppon- ents are bidding as well Inter- vening bids can and do present a new host of problems for younger players. Today's deal shows some excellent bidding on all fronts. West opens the round, with his five card diamond suit. North, short in diamonds and strong in points makes a take- out double asking his partner to bid if he can. East's bid is entirely pre-emptive and is de- signed to shutout the opponents. His strength on this bid is usual- ly low but support for partner's opening bid is good. South can have no hesitations about bid- ding as his ten points and part- ner's double will ensure at least nine tricks. Since East-West are vulnerable they are content to pass the heart game try. The lead varied widely when this hand was actually played but unfortunately East can only make two tricks with his dia- mond ace and his clubeking. The obvious play after losing the diamond trick is to establish the club suit and draw trumps. Since trumps can only be finess- ed on one side, the actual play is small to the board and return to the closed hand. With the ecards as they are, Sorth nets the queen of trumps on the nor- mal play. A good tip here for players 'is to forget about the bidding on the other side and concentrate on combining your hand with partner's. Page 11 Adolph King of MacDiarmid spent Easter with Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rouble. Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Ray and family of Coldwell are spending the Easter holiday with Mrs. Albert Ray and the Bill Hubelits. Mr. & Mrs. G.. Mishquart, and Wm. Posin of Geraldton visited their sister Mrs. Mary Mushqush over the weekend Visiting the Auger home were Mr. & Mrs. W.Ross and children of Marathon, Mr. & Mrs. A.Nykanen and family, Red Rock, and Mr. & Mrs. R.Hertil of Fort William. Mrs. Ethel Rubige left Monday for her home in Dauphin, Manitoba, Also Mrs. Edna Stettler of Miami, Manitoba has returned home after visiting their sister Mrs. Edith Spillett for the past w eek. Mr. & Mrs. Peter King and son were weekend visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gerow. _ Mr. & Mrs. Jack Spillett Jr. and daughters visited their uncle and aunt Mr. & Mrs. Jack Spillett Sr. Rev. E. Prinselaar of Schreiber United Church and Rev. Father Cano of Schr- eiber Roman Ca tholic Church held Easter services in the village. NEWS RELEASE - The world-renowned Red Army Sing- ers, Dancers and Musicians are coming to the Fort William Gardens for a one night performance Saturday, May 6. The 180 man ensemble from the Sovie Union will tour fifteen cities across Canada, climaxed with a visit to the Russian Pavilion at Expo. The troupe will arrive from Edmonton May 5, and spend the day relaxing in the Lakehead prior to their two hour show at the Gardens Saturday night. Sponsoring group is the Port Arthur Fort William Lions Club Inc. through arrangements with Canadian Concerts and Artists Inc. of Montreal .