January 26, 1967 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page Il ARTIFICIAL ICE DRAW All Star Game - 3 goals. 14 min. 3sec., I5 min. 59 sec., 19 min. 52 sec. Saturday Game - 9 goals. 3 min. I5sec., 4 min. 14sec., 16 min. 37 sec., 6 min. 18 sec., I7 min. 50 sec., 19 min. 4I sec., l4sec., lOmin. 46sec. , lO min. 54sec. Previous winners on the Saturday game were - Mrs. B. Ross, Mrs. P. Doig, Mrs. J.P.Gauthier, Mrs. Della Moore, Mr. Reg. Bailey, Mrs. H. Spikula. All Star Previous winners were - Liz Prescott, O'Neil. ST JOHN'S AN eae oe The following article is being re-printed at the request of a reader: After a long day at the hospital (I am chief of surgery) I picked up the paper and turned to your column, I was overwhelmed by the letter from the distraught woman whose brother commit- ted suicide after he had run ASKS PARENTS over a child playing in the I would like to ask the parents street. who are reading this column, An hour ago, I had to face "Do you want your child to an anguished mother and tell grow up to be an adult?" You her that her four-year-old, blue- will of course reply, "What a eyed son had died on the table. foolish question!" But I warn He, too, was riding his tricycle you, the next time you allow in the street and had been hit him to ride his trike any place by a truck. His little body was he chooses, he may not come so entangled with the trike that back to you alive. -- ANNOY- the boy and the trike were laid MOUS M.D. together on ihe stretcher. T cannot count the times I have been called to the emer- gency room to fave sobbing par- ents whose child was playing in the street. Sometimes we are lucky and can meri the broken body, but too gften we cannot. Betty Motorists are reminded that the deadline for 1967 license plates will not be extended past February 28, 1967. Transit officials state that sales are slower than ever. ective January 29 ervice will be held the Ist,2nd,4th and Sth Brees at 7 p.m. and the 3rd Sunday at 9 a.m. Sunday School will be held at the same hour - l0 a.m. a ACROSS 9-Layers LV] SR S|] S|SEs| 5d] 10-Falsehood BOW BOER Bau 1-The urial 11-Affirmative Ata] 7] 1] of No] 3] al VHS) 4-Satiates 16-Remains at 9-Crafty ease fal 3] Lo] 1 a] v 3) beer i Lal ol NM S]7/ 315) -Worship renze oo 20-Posed for BY NANCY 15-Come into portrait view 22-Twirls GAYLORD 17-Traps fe re 19-Harvests 25-Cheer 21 Afternoon re ne eee av FASHION CONSULTANT TO THE 160 SINGER CENTERS IN CANADA. party competen 22-Places 28-Animal 3) 1 [2 S| 0] 0] Ve TS] 3) 24-Sailor 30-Cry ; Ala Z fe (colloq.) 32- Moccasin ALTIS| a The Cossack coat, shades of adjustable type is most prac- oy. Mulan ins ype SOLUTION "Dr. Zhivago", is great for win- tical if your measurements 31-Hit lightly 38-Choral 47- Novelty 56. Hasten ter. . . especially in salt and change with the seasons. A fab- ee a composition 49-Giver 57-River in pepper tweed, defined at neck, ric covering helps to hold pins 34-Prefix: not 41-Begs _ 52-Communists 64 Wares iwi cuffs, hem and closing with in place during fittings. ao cone gion 43- Negative S4-Smmall 60-Still magnificent jet black fox. Acces- Feather a collar for your new 39-Note of scale nj 55: Wealen a sories to wear with: fox muff theatre suit or dress. Chanel 40- a and helmet, high laced leather likes the look of snow-white coq 44- Arrives boots -- snuggle in when the feathers preening at the throat 46- Personal blizzards blow! of her white quilted brocade 48-Bow Get on the ball button wagon suit -- luxurious coquetry. Buy oe " with glass, bone, plastic, leather your feathers by the yard or hearing or brass. Instead of buttonholes, individually at a millinerv shop. 83-Carried make fabric loops of bias- The big three are: Ostrich, Coq 58-Public covered cord (called rouleau). and Egrette. is ewok! Tailor a luscious wool walking 1 benk tamecaver = chaue 62-Railroad pate, ee ig Side ways the stitching. Unlock the thread end station acket with spaced pairs of brass . , : a tee Reais Sines shes icine and pull. Zip! It's undone in a nickname : ee second. Perfect for basting trial 65-Footlike part 66-Scorches 67-Dine DOWN 1-Observe An easy way to make rouleau from buiky fabrics: wrap the cord with a bias strip, turning and pressing under the seam allowance on one edge. Overlap fittings, putting growth tucks in kiddies' togs. Chainstitching has more "give" than regular ma- chine stitching, so use it for sewing knits and stretch fabrics. 2-Dress border and slip-stitch folded edge down It's stronger too, great for seams ith ' ' Tee 3-Puts oo with close stitches. i with a lot of strain. The thread 4-eoic tate A dummy in your house? A chain alone makes ready belt Bucleuse dressmaker's dummy makes carriers, French tacks, button 6-Preposition 7-Bitter .vetch 8- Dispatched sewing simpler and fitting a cinch. You'll even want to try _ draping your own designs. The loops. Just one of the features of Singer's Touch and Sew* machine.