a "June 30,1966 THE NEWS Page 7 acted as recorders. Winning team in the primary division was Team E captained by Mark Belliveau with Linda Sitko, Doug Angus, Carol Dakin and Rene Theriault. In second place was Ricky Sitko's team while three teams had to play off for third and fourth places. Third place went to the team led by Judy Zwaresh and fourth place to Greg Chepelsky's team. Each member of the winning teams received a ribbon and small prize. The Champions, the 'Eyes of March' captained by Linda Kennedy are shown below. Glen Kujbida led his team to second place, third place went to Denise Levigne's team while Mark Caccamo's team had to be content with fourth place. Only six points sepa- rated the four teams. (Continued page 9) Primary winners - front |.to r. Carol Dakin and Linda Sitko - Back, Rene Theriault, Doug.Angus and Mark Belliveau, Captain. Photo by G .Whiteley PLAYDAY AT ST.MARTIN'S SCHOOL Last Friday was playday for the pupils of St.Mar- tin's Separate School. Divided into eighteen senior and twelve primary teams, the afternoon was spent partic ipating vigorously in various events. All ef- fort was towards becoming the winning team. There were no individual prizes. Officials for the events were Joyce Bell, Denise Coss, Carol Fawcett, Claude Rochon, Joan Bell, Paulette Duquette, Marcia Kettle, Judy Shynbord, Carol Sack, Linda Woodruffe, Norman Comeau, Pat Papousek, Lise Fontaine, Larry Sitko, Tommy Fal- zetta and Ricky Doyle. Mr.J.Carty and Mr.J.Bird SAYS ROLAND E SHELL CANADA LI OAT ers: "Sure Toi, I'm more than happy to help sponsore the fi port Derby - JULY Rossport Derby is still the greatest of them all." An to Rolly Sinotte Old Fisherman's Fedora and a great big THANK Y PRIZE LIST SADA 2 tO ae .9EH 50 «| Shell oil GASOLINE Front - |.to r. Rosalynne Cormier, Debra St.Louis, Gordon LeClair. Centre, Jimmy Kennedy, Beverly Legault and David Adamo. Rear, Ricky Bouchie, Linda Ke apt. i i ses CU Ono FG eenan HUAN I = aSOTIE... MITED, TERRACE at JULY 3rd. to JULY 31st. rst week of Ross- 3 to JULY 9TH. - a tip of the OU * Special. prize Boy and Girl... 14 years and under | Doz. Lake Trout Baits donated by REscSinotte': > a And remember to read your rules. LAKE TROUT ONLY & YOU MUST LEAVE FROM ROSS - PORT BY BOAT OR FISH SHORELINE OF ROSSPORT. _