HIGH SCHOOL EVENING CLASSES The Terrace Bay High School Board offers evening classes in Sewing. A minimum of fifteen (15) applicants is necessary . There will be a total of ten sessions - each of two hour duration, held on Tuesday each week, beginning on January 18th. The fee will be $5.00 payable at the first session. Applications should be addressed to the Principal, Terrace Bay High School by Friday, January 14. The application form below may be used. Name ---- Address ES ee DAVID DESROSIERS is keenly in- COUNCILLOR | am a property owner and have two children attending the local High School . | have an earnest desire to help in the civic affairs of Terrace Bay. EXCHANGE ALL YOUR OUTSTANDING BILLS for one easy monthly payment! You can RENT the MONEY Roland E. (Roly) Sinotte You get "Service with a Smile" when you call Roly for your fuel oil. He is prepared to serve you as conscien- tously and pleasantly if elected to Council. He brings sound business experience as well as experience gained in 14 years service on the School Board. Give him your support at the polls and he will give you his very best in service. THANKS FROM THE BOY SCOUTS = To the residents of Terrace Bay for their purchase of Christmas cards and trees. - To Kimberly-Clark Pulp & Paper Co. Ltd. for their support in both of these efforts. - To the people who contributed seven cartons of good used toys for the needy children in our District. - To the Lakehead Freightways who you need from CRESCENT + From $50 to $3,000 -- for a week, month, year, or longer. Renting money is like renting a car, It helps you go places and get things done -- so you've more time for fun and pleasure. Crescent is the company friends recommend,,. so you can be sure of fast, friendly service. Do what you want to do now. Call Crescent and rent the money you need. delivered the toys to the Lakehead for us. - To all the fathers who helped to cut and sell Christmas trees. terested in muni- cipal affairs and has aided the community through membership on various committees such as the Golf Housing Committee and is coaching a Pee-Wee hockey team. You can count on Dave for a job well done. VOTE DESROSIERS. CARD OF THANKS - I wish to sin- cerely thank Rev. G. Husser, my friends and neighbours, Rebekah Lodge the Costa family and store staff for __ their kindness and expressions of sym- pathy during the recent sad loss of my mother, Annie Duncan. Your thought- fullness will always be remembered. Millie Welsh CARD OF THANKS - | would like to thank Dr. Uzicanin, Dr. McCaus- land, Mrs. Buck and staff, Dean Gallagher and all those who visited and sent gifts and cards or helped my family in any way while | was in hospital. A sincere thank you fo all who were so kind to us during the Christmas season. Mel Nicol and Family The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance. CRESCENT FINANCE €ANADA'S MOST CONSIDERATE FINANCE COMPANY §. C. GUNN, Manager aimeee PLAZA -- Box 368 RRACE BAY -- ONTARIO "iscant - 625-3286 ot pee ore ee ayn "PHILOSOPHER save: EVERYBODY WANTS TO LIVE A LONG TIME BU. Be ; SHELL OIL DEALER 825-3268 ROLY SINOTTE May we express our sincere appreci- ation for your support. Terrace Bay Boy Scout Group Committee CURLING CLUB NEWS A good crowd of curlers and their guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the annual New Year's Eve Party in the Club Lounge. Paper hats and noise makers were supplied and lunch was served by the ladies. Excellent music was provided by the Voo Doos, a local teen-group. This hard working group of young people deserves the commendation and the support of the community. CURLING CALENDAR Jan. 8th & 9th - High School Zone Playoffs - Ladies Local Playoffs Jan. 15th & 16th - Ladies Zone Playoffs . - Men's Local Playoffs Jan. 21st & 22nd - Men's Club Bonspiel for the Soughton Trophy Chairman is Ed Belliveau - More details later.