BROWNIES (Continued from front page) Brown Owl Mrs. Bill Stefurak--for three years to Brown Owl Mrs.G .Cebrario and for one year to both Mrs .Ray Sisson and Mrs.Harry Shack. Mrs .Stefurak, who was the first Brown Owl here, was also presen- ted with a gift from the girls by Cathy Anderson. Mrs..Cebrario thanked the large audience, saying the increasing attendance at each ceremony delights the Brownies and is most encouraging to the leaders. For their program the girls sang several action songs and went through some lively skits and games. Lunch was served with the older Brownies doing the serving most efficiently. SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR HELD BY ST.JOHN'S W.A. The Christmas Bazaar-Tea given by the Women's Auxiliary of St.John's Anglican Church on Saturday was most successful with Mrs.R.J.S.Inshaw, wife of the Rector, receiving and Mrs.Jack Corbett as cashier. Servitors were Mesdames R.Morrill, A.C.Rigels- ford and D.Harrison and the Misses Susan Harrison, Christine Bottomley and Sandra Dennison. The sewing counter was set up by the Evening Grou with Mrs.Geo.Birch and Mrs.Ted Wilson in charge. The baking booth of the Busy Bees was attended by Mrs.Jack Bryson and Mrs.Jack Winters. The kitchen committee were Mesdames Cyril Sparkes J.D.Bryson, Robert Winters, Bruce Lidkea, Gladys Madigan, Robt.Gray and W.G.Furlonger. The Girls! Auxiliary table of candy and novelties was run by Shirley Winters and Jane Bailey. UNITED CHURCH WOMEN MEET Mrs.Oscar Niemi, reporting for the sewing com- mittee at the regular meeting of the United Church Women on December 5th, said that the returns from the sewing counter at the Christmas Bazaar had been the most successful in some years. The committee are very grateful for the generaus donations made by members of articles for the sale and of material prior to it. Convenor Mrs.Vernon Weaver reported th at 100 had been served at the recent Father and Son Banquet of Cubs and Scouts for which the U.C.W. catered. Mrs.Bill Thrower reported that thirty-seven were served at a dinner for the Eastern Star. The Anniversary Supper for the congregation had been well attended and many donations to the church were received. Mrs.D.F .Muldrew described plans for the Kinder- garten which will be operated in the Church Hall by herself, Mrs.Bill Tripp and Mrs.Geo.Lengyel, start- ing in early January with twenty-five enrolled. She thanked the U.C.W. for a donation. Rev .F .Edgar Jarvis, M & M Convenor, Superior Presbytery, thanked the U.C.W.for the increased donation. Several secretaries for the Presbytery urged that annual reports be forwarded promptly. A $300 donation was made to the Church Sunday School--another to the C.G.1.T. to purchase mem- bership badges and one to the Student Christian Movement Fund. The Board of Home Missions, Man. sent a description of two-way radio telephones being installed in outlying areas. Eleven are presently work- ing but others are urgently needed at various points at a cost of $3,600. It was decided to leave this donation until the beginning of the New Year. The member's Pot Luck Xmas Supper was planned for January 5th with an exchange of gifts, value of $1.00, each member also to bring Bingo prizes. Mesdames R.MacAdam, Nelson Smith, Bill Niemi, J.Johnston, H.W.Gellert, F.MacAdam, V.Weaver and D.Nesbitt agreed to work on a tea planned for late December . Mrs. Jack Johnston was elected president for the coming year, Mrs.Bill Thrower as Treasurer, and'Mrs. Wes.Clemens as Ist vice-president. Mrs.T.P.Whent presided for the meeting with Mrs. R.G.Macadam leading the devotional period and Mrs.L.R.McCuaig pianist. Following the meeting J.B.Ridsdale showed a film on tuberculosis. A Minor Hockey organizational meeting was held and the : following officers elected:- President, Reg. Bailey - vice-president, Geo.A.Scott - secretary- treasurer, Bill Stefurak and Directors, Bill Niemi, Frank McKenna and Jack Copeland. Mr .Stefurak is chairman of the Western Zone which includes Terrace Bay, Nipigon, Red Rock and Schreiber . There are seventy boys registered and the coaches are Bill Niemi, peewees - Dom Figliomeni, bantams and Norman Boon, midgets. The Juveniles have not yet been organized and help is badly needed. The Kinsmen, Lions and ladies enjoyed a joint Christmas party in the Town Hall with other guests invited. Prior to the party the clubs had dinner at the Filane Restaurant. During the evening consider- able amusement was generated by the mock election- eering of Bob Spadoni, Bill Tripp, Rol y Gander and Gino Caccamo. Bill Lidkea and Chas .Holmes were in Fort William to attend the funeral of their cousin Berngrd (Joe) Kannegiezer on Friday. Mr,G .Otto visited with Mr.and Mrs.L.R.McCuaig enroute to Toronto after a showing of his paintings in Winnipeg. Mrs .Barry Harper spent the weekend in Winnipeg with Miss Marilyr Pearson and Miss Bea McBride. Mrs .Harry Jewell has returned from a holiday in Toronto with her daughter Mrs.E.H.Murray and her son Garnet and family in Windsor . Constable Avery Duncan of the city police force, Fort William, visited his parents last week. Mr.and Mrs.E.Zielke of Schreiber have just re- turned from a two week vacation spent in Beausejour Manitoba with his parents. The beginning of Advent was marked in St.Andrews United Church by a family service. The families brought dessert and coffee and after this was enjoyed each unit fashioned a Christmas centrepiece, each holding four candles, to be used in their home. The candles will be blown out, one on each of the four Sundays of Advent. ( Continued