{ ee SCHREIBER'S OWN RECORDING STAR HAS NEW RECORD Schreiber's own Cosmo Filane has a new LP Record to his credit! The record, re- corded in London, England last June, was arranged and conducted by Art Snider of Toronto, Cosmo's vocal coach. It also fea- tures "The Breakaways". The title of the record "Small Town Boy"! is also one of the numbers he sings. In the write-up on the back of the record Cosmo's home town and the north shore of Lake Superior are mentioned. Here's a boost to our district which should be recip- rocated by every individual on the North Shore getting behind and plugging for our "Small Town Boy". About seven years ago Cos made his debut in Toronto show business and had made appearances on radio, television and hada part in Canada's only full length movie. He then decided to make singing his career. According to Art Snider, Cosmo, at that time was almost tone deaf (this we doubt) but, with constant practice and assistance from Dave Thomas, CBC's star builder, Cosmo's first record was produced. This was a'mild' hit. This time, with all of us giving Cos a big push up that ladder of sweet success, maybe "Small Town Boy" will land way up there on top. Cosmo will appear on the Dick Wilson Show on Channel 2 this Saturday, October 23rd. Get those calls and letters in and let the Lakehead know that we are all behind our small town boy--COSMO FILANE. October 21, 1965 SCHREIBER CONSTABLE KILLED The funeral of the late Constable John Kenderdine, Schreiber town police force, was conducted in the Doolittle Funeral Home in Orillia on October 18. Mr. Kenderdine was east on holidays when he was critically injured in a car accident on October 9, his death occurring in the Soldiers' Memorial Hospital in Orillia on October 16. His aunt and uncle, Mr.and Mrs. O. Beam- ish of Lashburn, Saskatchewan, his only relatives in Canada, were notified by Reeve Harness and were with their nephew at the time of his death. Constable Kenderdine had been a leader in the Boy Scouts and worked with the St. John Ambulance Association. He was thirty- five years old, born in Japan of English parents, and raised in England. Reeve Harness, Rev. R.J.S. Inshaw of St. John's Anglican Church and Constable Stew- art Jones of the Ontario Provincial Police attended the funeral. Mr. Kenderdine is survived by a brother, Gordon, in Japan. OFFICERS INSTALLED BY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The following officers for 1965-66, St. Edward's Council #3554 of the Knights of Columbus, were installed on Thursday, October 14 by district deputy A. J. Cadieux: - Grand Knight, Sanford Chicoine - Deputy Grand Knight, R.E.Sinotte - Chancellor, T. Borutski - Financial Secretary, J. P. Guina - Recording Secretary, E. Borutski - Advocate R. Beaulieu - Treasurer, A. Gauthier - Trustee, A. Therriault - Inside Guard, M. Eusebi and Outside Guard, L. Duquette. LIKE TO PLAY BRIDGE? A Bridge Club has been formed and now meets regularly in the YMCA Board Room at 8 p.m. every Wednesday evening. This club is open to all. Anyone interested in playing is asked to contact Don Hencher at the YMCA. GOOD SPORTSMEN ARE ALW AYS SAFETY CONSCIOUS.