) Amateur Contest winners - |.to r. Kathy Stokes, Tony Commisso and Laura Campbell. Photo by |.McCuaig. C.W.L.FIELD DAY ANOTHER SUCCESS Barkers were not needed to gather crowds round the booths where hot coffee, wieners, hamburgers and corn-on-the-cob sold as fast as prepared at the Cath- olic Women's League Field Day. Despite. the cold the children entered with their usual spirit into the races where the winners were:- 6 years - Donna Gel- lert, Betty Anne McKenna; Danny Gellert, Bruce Hiller: 7 years - Patricia McGrath, Shelly Souliere, Paddy Stokes: 8 years - Darlene Fummerton, Rae Sisson; Kevin Chiquen, Denis Morin: 9 years - Laura Campbell, Donna Dietrich, Mark Stokes, Shane Walsh 10 years - Susan Johnson, Maria Veneziano; Kim Gel- lert, Ron Chicoine: 11 years - Cathy Stokes, Carolyn Fadden; Bob Fummerton, Bob Nesbitt. Wheelbarrow race + Greg Morrill and Jack Win- ters. Duck Waddle - Rae Sisson, Cathy Bottomley - Albert Courtemanche, Bruce Bottomley. Peanut race - Kathy Stokes, Linda Birch, Bill Collinson and Danny McGrath. Three-legged race - Mary McGrath and Mary Speziale, Greg Morrill and Jack Winters. Potato race = Carolyn Fadden, Cathy Bottomley, Danny McGrath and Greg Maclsaac. All pre-school age children running were given money prizes. The bride-doll draw was won by Mrs. Russell McBride. Entrants in the amateur contest were soloists Cathy Bottomley, Cathy McGuire, Cathy Stokes (accom- panying herself on the guitar), Michael McGuire, Karen and Kathy Guina (duet), Maureen Campbell and Laura Campbell (solos) and Tony Commisso on the Accordion played two numbers. The judges, Mrs.Bill Weaver, Mrs.Victor Costa and Cos Filane (who also acted as MC), awarded first prize to Cathy Stokes, second to Tony Commisso and third to Laura Campbell . The races were planned by Mrs. Jack Stokes and ere managed by Tony Speziale and Ray Guillet, both of the Separate School staff. High School staff - L.to R. - front, E.E.Forgues, Mrs.J.P.Mulligan, Mrs.E.E.Forgues; back - W.P. R.Cote, H.F.Fleming, G.R.Nosyk, R.M.Ritchie, W.A.Woodrow, Miss R.L.Joll and J.P.Tessier. 198 ENROLLED AT SCHREIBER HIGH SCHOOL Enrolment on the first day of the new school year was 198 with a record number (27) taking grade 13 this year. E.E.Forgues, formerly principal of North Dundas District High School is the new principal. Others on the staff, new this year, are H.F.Fleming who taught in St.Pat's High School, Fort William - Mrs. E.E. Forgues, a commerce specialist, was at North Stor- mont D.H.S., last year - Mrs.R.L.Joll, George Nosyk of Manitoba, and R.M.Ritchie who taught at Woodroffe highschool last year . Returning to the staff for another year are Mrs. J.P.Mulligan who will teach Math and Physical Education, W.A.Woodrow who will teach Physical Education, Geography and French, W.P.R.Cote who will teach Mathmatics and J.P.Tessier who will pro- vide instruction in French. Y v : {o> a Two Schreiber giris who have entered training in nursing schools are Sylvia Harness (left), daughter of | Reeve F.V.and Mrs.Harness and Janet Clemens, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Wesley Clemens. BNO Photo by Inez McCuaig.