We Me that we are unable to include the page of pictures taken at the scene of the train disaster. Certain materials required for printing have been-delayed in transit, and we have been forced to use a substitute, making it all but impossible to reporduce a good clear picture. Our thanks to Reg Cotton and Jim McCuaig for making their work available to us. They were very fine photographs. THE NEWS STAFF. AFTERNOON AUXILIARY MEET Mrs. K. Graham welcomed the large turnout of members and friends to the Afternoon Branch of the Ladies Auxiliary as they met on Monday in the Terrace Bay Community Church. Mrs. J. Roberts accompanied the opening hymn and Mrs. |. Ferrier read the Scripture. Mrs. L. Harris read the minutes and correspondence. Exceptionally interesting films were shown by Mrs. H. Brooks of her trip to and stay in California last year and enjoyed by all the ladies present. Lunch was served by Mesdames M. Anderson and L. McMicking. The next meeting will be held May 17th, and will feature two more films, one 'Horn of Plenty' will show the processing and canning of Canadian foods and the second film will be on cancer. SOCIAL NEWS Paulette Boudreau is home from St. Joseph's College in North Bay visiting her family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Boudreau . Pamela Husser arrived home from Fort William to spend the Easter recess with her parents , Rev. and Mrs. T.G. Husser. Joe Dorland is home from Pickering College in Newmarket, to spend the Easter vacation with his family, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dorland. Gary Fraser is visiting his family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Drexler over the holidays. Gary attends Lakeview High in Port Arthur. Also visiting with the Drexlers were his parents , Mr. and Mrs. H. Kwiskowski of Westfort over Easter weekend. Mr. and Mrs. L. Spiess and family of Fort W William visited his sister Doreen Kurylo and family over the holiday weekend. Home for the Easter vacation from Northwood High School, in Fort William are Jacqueline Yates, Pat Kennedy and Grant Solly to visit their respective families . . Janice Gross and Holly Berndtsson have returned from the Lakehead Teachers' College to spend the vacation visiting their families. Errol Moores arrived home from Scollard Hall in North Bay to spend Easter visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.-Moores. Audrey Verscheure of Winnipeg visited her sister Gertrude Cotton and family. B Jean Hopper, student nurse from the General Hospital in North Bay was home with her family THE NEWS AD il 22 96! Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hopper over Easter . Donna Fedorak arrived from Transcona, Man. to visit with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fedorak over the Easter vacation. Sonny Helmink is home form Christian Brothers Junior Boys College in Scarbofo to spend Easter vacation with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Helmink. Bruce Rapke of Toronto is home for two weeks visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Rapke. Maryellen Reynolds arrived from Fort William to spend the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Reynolds. SCHREIBER LEGION (Continued from last page) year had failed to arrive in time for the evening so will be presented later. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH W.A,. MEET St. Andrew's United Church Women began their regular April meeting with a film on Brazil shown by Rev. D.F. Muldrew. Easter was the theme of the Scripture lesson which was taken by Mrs. A. Gordon and Mrs. George McBride, with the roll call answer given with Bible verse. containing the word resurrection. Mrs. B. Thrower reported on the most successful Shamrock Tea and the Manse report was given by Mrs McBride. Mrs. F. Macadam, sewing convenor, said three quilts have been made and sold since January with three others presently on order. Mrs. B. Kinney stated she had got fifty-nine subscribers to the Observer, United Church magazine. Plans were made to cater for a wedding reception and dinner in April, with Mrs. B. Whent convening the reception and Mrs. A. Gordon the dinner. Arrangements were completed for the annual Smorgasbord on May 5th, with two settings for the meal, the first at 5 p.m. and second at 6:15 p.m. Mrs. R. Macadam reported on the meeting she had attended representing the UCW, held in Terrace Bay, to combat the sale of obscene literature. Due to the Smorgasbord being held on regular meeting night, the May meeting was changed to May Ist, in the afternoon, at 2 p.m. Mrs. T.P. Whent presided for the meeting and lunch was served by Mesdames W. Clemens, W. Kinney, M. McCouan and T. Whent. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS Provincial Park Fees for 1965 ~ Increase in entrance and camping permit fees to be effective in Provincial Parks this season have been anno@nced as follows: | Camping Permit - $1.50 per day or $9.00 per week. The aah of stay in any one park is limited to twenty - eight days. Vehicle Entrance Permit - Daily - $ 1.00 per day. Vehicle Entrance Permit - Annual - $5.00 per year, allowing entry to any Provincial Park in the province SOCIAL NEWS Henry Gaulin is home from Central Tech. in Toronto for the holidays visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F, Gaulin.