INTEREST HIGH AT INTER-FAITH DINNER The ultimate unity of Christian Churches was liken ed by Rev.John Keating to that of two parallel lines that come together in the distance, as he addressed the first Inter-Faith Dinner held in Terrace Bay last Wednesday evening. He outlined the basic aims of all Christians and laid a pattern for the growth and development of the present inter-faith group. Rev. Keating, with a wealth of background in this field, as a member of the Commission for Unity in the Archdiocese of Toronto, was an inspried speaker before a rapt audience of 235 members of the two Churches--the Catholic and the Protestant, in Ter- race Bay. Welcoming the opportunity to meet with the inter- faith group here Rev. Keating saluted those attend- ing as a great meeting of the opposites--Catholics and Protestants--hourly and salary--and making reference to the opening presentation of religious songs by the Terrace Bay Mens' Chorus, a male choir led by awoman. He felt it to be a great credit to the people of this area. Recommending further exploration, Rev.Keating suggested an ecumenical program based on Spiritual Acumen, holiness of life and brotherly love through public and private prayer. He felt that for too long we had taken religious pleurism for granted. This was obviously contrary to the teaching of Christ and His help should be sought to overcome prejudice and hostility. This could not be changed overnight but, instead of growing further apart, they could at least overcome differences--not seeking a uni- formity, but to grow into a family of God. Too frequently people have been jealous of safeguarding their denomination, fearful that in some way they might despoil themselves if they enter into friendly relationship. The only scandal, he felt, was that of divided Christians. Previously introduced to the first inter-faith group who had met for about a year in Terrace Bay with the purpose of fostering better understanding, Rev. Keating made recommendations to have this group continue its growth by dividing into many other small groups, thereby increasing its scope and its aim. Not wishing to blueprint a plan for their devel- opment, he did, however, suggest many topics of study--the Eucharist or Sacrament of the Last Supper, attendance at a Wake, a common prayer for their joint meetings and studies of the Scriptures. These groups would not come together to convince the others present, but to develop a comprehensible understanding. 'Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Mr .Al Chisholm and Mr. Jim (Continued page 4) Serving the District Vol.8, No.ll LAKEHEAD TEAM WINS BOWLING TROPHY: Three ten pin bowling teams travelled from the Lakehead last Saturday to challenge three local teams for the Hogarth Coal Trophy. This trophy is open for annual ten pin competition in the Thunder Bay District and winners this year were a group from the Starlite Bowladrome in Fort William. Captain of the winning team was Ed Scinski with a score of 679 and J.Dromisky 673, J.Viitanen 597, F .Halabecki 642, T.Viitanen 652, plus handicap of 340 to total 3583. They were presented with the Hogarth Trophy at the close of the bowling session by Mr.Clarence Buck of the Terrace Bay Bowling Association. A close second place was held by W.Kurylo of Terrace Bay and his team mates C.Kolody, C.Knauff L.Dejonghe and D.Boudreau with a 3482. High individual game was taken by J.Dromisky with 191 and Ed Scinski took the high Individual four with 679. His team took the high team game with 837 (with handicap 922) and high team four 3243 and with handicap 3583. The visitors were entertained in the Moose Hall Saturday evening before returning home. COUNCIL QUOTES February appeared a quiet month for both the Police and Fire Departments in Terrace Bay as Coun- cil accepted their reports at Tuesday's meeting in the Municipal Chambers. Councillor Brown informed Council he had accepted, with regret, the resigna- tion of Constable Peter Cuff who will join the Detective Department of St.Catharines force. Reeve Adamo reiterated the need for homes for employees of the municipality if they were to be presuaded to remain. Reeve Adamo was notified of a citizenship cere- mony shceduled for April 3rd at 3 P.M., with an invitation to welcome the new citizens. Chairman of the citizenship Court, Ernest Reid of Fort William, will accept new applications for citizenship from 11 to 2 prior to conducting the ceremony. March 20 was scheduled for an official flag rais- ing ceremony in Terrace Bay, the hour tentatively set at 9a.m. by Reeve Adamo. Councillor Cavanaugh, as Chairman, would complete arrange- ments. The Reeve and some council members will travel to Nipigon the same day to attend a meeting concerning appointment of a district assessor, when results of investigations will be presented. The Lions Club in Long Lac agreed to purchase the insect fogging machine from (Continued page 4)