- December 31, 1964 phone 3747. rate $2.50 per year. | POSITION OPENING - Female - CLERICAL TYPIST Require Clerical Typist for position in the District Office, Department of Lands and Forests, White Riv- er, Ontario. practices. bless you all. NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY CURLING CLUB LOUNGE 8:00 P.M, RESERVATIONS LIMITED TO 60 COUPLES $3.00 per couple MEMBERS ONLY THE TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and district. Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday Noon. Office N O: T:4:C:'€E Any exchange of Christmas gifts purchased in our store must be done by January 9th, 1965. No ex- changes will be made after this date. SPADONI BROS. STORE - SCHREIBER. Long-time former caretaker at the Post Office Bldg Mr. Miller, now a resident in Saskatchewan, is here visiting his daughters and their families, Mrs.Jack Wellings and Mrs. W.Megraw. THE NEWS Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash. Classified ads - minimum charge 50¢ - (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks and Announcements - mini- mim charge $1 - (30 words and under). Subscription Qualifications - completion of Grade 10 Secondary School Education. Ability to type 30 W.P.M. - Shorthand and bookkeeping preferable but not neces- sary. Elementary knowledge of office procedures and An application form may be obtained by writing the District Forester, Department of Lands and Forests, WHITE RIVER, Ontario. CARD OF THANKS - I wish to thank the wonderful people who sent cards, presents and flowers to the hospital while | was ill. A special thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion. May God Mrs.Elsie Fedorak. WE'RE HAVING A BIG CELEBRATION! Make your reservations now for @ grand and glorious New Year's Eve celebration. Tickets available from Jack Caccamo, Arnold Chadney, Doug Knight and Len Crockford. Page 3 COUNCIL QUOTES (Continued from page |)... storm sewers was discussed and Councillor Thomp- son's complaint re delay in snow removal after a recent storm. Councillor Brown noted the town crew had already been advised on both matters. Councillor Brown had investigated the driveway clearing by tractor as requested and had found in- sufficient demand at present to warrant acceptance. There had been no word yet on a new Recreation Director, Councillor Thompson informed members of Council. A budget meeting had been held by the Recreation Committee and the budget would remain basically unchanged with the exception of $3,000 for changing walls. After a discussion of candidates for the High School Board, Councillor Fraser motioned for the re-appointment of Mr.A.N.Chisholm for a three year term. Before adjourning Reeve Heenan expressed his appreciation to Council for a very good year togethe er and to those Councillors remaining he wished continued progress under their new Council. Coun- cillor Thompson, acting as spokesman, thanked Reeve Heenan for his leadership and guidance and to Councillor Fraser who had served on Council for the past three years. HUNTING GROUNDS WANTED LARGE ACREAGE S. Mednick, 292 Hillhurst Blvd. Toronto Ontario. HOUSE FOR SALE - 97 Hudson Drive. Telephone 3639, Terrace Bay. ACROSS 2. "Lights 15. Easily 1. Cicatrix out" pul- TISIOTS 5. Thick, flat signal verized etree RIKOE stone 3. Incite 18. Suit. yer. gees 9. French 4. Primary able CATS MOINES TATT river color 19. Old IMiulO RIE [Clo lUIP|S] 10. Stick 5. A certain Dutch; JAIRIO/MIASME |X|TIRIA} 11, Fragment flower abbr, SICIR[ [BIE [SRT {OR | 12, Lists arranges 21. In- ENE 14, Knife hilt ment quire 15. Cooling 6. Aquatic 22. Small [Pit BaS|t] device bird lizard PIATT TES MAeTL IOJe|R) 16, Exclama- 7. Entire 24. Feminine tion 8. To be name 31. Speaks 17. Part of connected 25. Labels 33. Nourishes "to be" with 26. Things to 36. Liberate 18, Young fish 11. Persia's be done- 37. Italian 19. Biblical ruler 27. Thus coins name 13. Foot 29. Color 39. Breeze 20. 50th state covering 30. Metal 40. Young dog of U.S, D 22, Brink 23. Body of assistants 25. A job 28. Wands mus, 32. Past 33. Insect 34, Narrow inlet: geol. 35. German- ium: sym, 36. A charge for services 7, Filmy 38. Trap 40. Adorns 41, Perished 42, Force onw: 48. God of war: Gr. myth, 44, Skin DOWN 1, African desert