December 24/64 THE NEWS BEST WISHES FROM OUR ENTIRE STAFF FOR YOU AT CHRISTMAS -- A GREETING THAT GLOWS WITH SINCERE GOOD WILL! For whatever we may have been able to con- tribute toward making your Christmas complete, we are sincerely grateful ... and we wish you every good thing .. . this Christmas, and always! Our store will be closed for the Christmas Holiday - December 25th - 26th and 27th and on News Year's Day - January Ist. KIWANIS FLOAT IN TOURNAMENT OF ROSES In honor of Kiwanis' 50th Anniversary, which occurs in January, 1965, the more than 24,000 ively by over one hundred Kiwanians and Key-Club- bers who will each devote 95 hours time in the tedious work of flower arranging. It is estimated that the Kiwanians in the California-Nevada-Hawaii District J gross cost of entering the float in the Tournament of are this year entering a float in the Tournament of Roses will amount to somewhere near $20,000, which Roses at Pasadena, California. The Rose Day Parade fis being met by the Kiwanians of the California- held on January Ist, is viewed annually by millions of people in the United States and Canada. The Kiwanis float will be the largest permissable; 55 feet long; 20 feet wide; and I7 feet high, and the body of the float itself will be decorated by 10,000 bronze and 8,000 yellow-gold chrysanthe- moms. The Kiwanis emblem will be held aloft by two mammoth statues in the form of Atlas. The em- blem is twelve feet in diameter and revolves three times a minutes. On the pedestal supporting the emblem will be the Kiwanis motto, 'We Build" and on the reverse side will be the slogan "50 years of Community Service." The two statues will be cover- ed with the glued on petals of 5,000 white-gold daffodils. The gold of the emblem on the reverse side will be covered with the petals of 10,000 bronze-gold glads and the blue will come from 1,000 corn flowers and bachelor buttons.. The white in the emblem and the high-lights will be from the petals of white carnations. Other flowers on the float will be 14,000. yellow gold roses in beds of 1,500 white orchids, each in its own vial of water to keep the flowers fresh for the three days that the float will be on display. The decoration of the float will be done exclus- Nevada-Hawaii District. CHRISTMAS PARTY HELD BY EASTERN STAR Silver Birc apter No.264, O.E.A., held their regular meeting on Monday, Decemb er |4th presided over by Worthy Matron Edna Beddard and Worthy Patron Albert Farrow. It was arranged for Christmas Hampers to be collected in Schreiber by Mrs.Helen Wallace and Mrs.Flora Bryson and in Terrace Bay by, Mrs.Win McKechnie.and Mrs. Margery Anderson and Mrs. Agnes Sinkins. At the close of the meeting a combined Christmas and Birthday party was held. During the social evening Rev. Husser conducted games and an ex- change of gifts took place with Rune Ostling taking a leading role. A birthday cake was made and do- nated by Mrs.J.Corbett. Refreshments were served by Mesdames M. Lundberg N.Thrower, D.Coupal, M.Anderson, B.Miller, N.Crockford and H. Jartus. Who hath not served cannot command. - Florio