oo November 5, 1964 Page 4 THE NEWS BEARCATS (Continued from page |) 9 played here. Marathon ice conditions only can COST 'A. S determine this. However, prices have been set by the Lakehead Senior League and are on a par with admission charges over the past years. Don't miss this first game of the season - Sunday afternoon at 1:30. TERRACE BAY - PHONE 3513 BOLOGNA By the piece REMEMBRANCE DAY FESTIVITIES SATURDAY The Remembrance Banquet and Sociat Evening will be held on the 7th of November in the Moose Hall, South Camp. Tickets will be available begin- ning October 26th and all members, club, associate, Honorary and ordinary, and all veterans, their wives or girl friends are invited to attend. The Social, which includes a dance, will be open to the public at approximately 8:00 P.M. The charges are being kept to a minimum so that everyone may come and enjoy themselves. . GCG os Large - Grade "A" SLAB BACON By the piece . local people will plan to attend. The course will commence at 1 p.m. on Saturday afternoon and will run Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening and Sun- day afternoon. Course content includes: (a) A simple new method that will enable choir leaders to teach their members to read music; (b) Breathing, voice production and tone control; (c) Conducting techniques; (d) Prob- lems of the choir leaders. The course is open to all interested parties, re- gardless of ability or experience. Registration fee is only $2.00, so: contact the Recreation Office now LAST CALL FOR CHOIR LEADERS COURSE Registrations close this week for the Community Choral and Choir Leaders Course being held here on Saturday and Sunday. Registrations from Terrace Bay have been disappointing to date although we will have many delegates from out of town. With this opportunity to receive top-notch instruction from Mr. Frank Haworth, it is hoped that all interested MINOR HOCKEY NEWS The third attempt to hold the annual hockey meet- ing was made last night and results of the meeting are not available at this time. However, a slate of officers was to be presented to the meeting so that Wife Preservers ones as small whisk broom on a eneath your ironing beard. mae in handy when pressing clothes that are linty. Tum corduroy garments wrong- side out before laundering. Pre- vents bothersome lint pickup. ACROSS DOWN 1.Movedin 1. Kind af on FOE RICE we are assured that an executive has been elected water cake orse's Iw] F . ° 5. Famous 2. Brief neck and that leagues will be formed, coaches appointed pe -- ~ shoe and play commenced by the end of this week. 0. State of 4 receptacle. eer Lists of team personnel and league schedules will sciousness _5. Slightly ing be posted on the bulletin boards at the 10. Incite crazy: imple nt 11. Hourly colloq. ment 1B] Hq 12. Abounds 6. Metallic 24, Out- GE08. soua 14. Particle of. rocks shoots addition 7. Grow old of 29. Calms: 15. Subdivision 8. Evergreen straw- Scot. plots tree berry 30. Stream 17. Behold 11. Possessed plants OF Water BEE Loess 18. Away: 13: Short 25. Seeds 31. Consumed prefix stockings of 33. Story 19. City: Ind. 16. Grampus a 34. Sagacious 20. "Gun- 19. Team fabaceous 36. Perish smoke" 20. Copenhagen herb 38. Malt character native 27. Place beverage 21. Refuse of grapes 22. Small nail Yt rrge fl ry AB Marne Ae fe See 4 pee ab pele seated Wie ee eae ge Peet NDE eee Pee | 2. Unemilier: | fue | | at | peat 7 A 2 ot rime Ett | a Mean TI Ti Ali l Ay = Deen moe gee 'dei if Siscenne 87. nsiptie: | YZ wt et Bee PRODUCED BY T. G. BRIGHT & CO., -, LIMITED * NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA ao, tated el a ial oie Yel tt Yai Y Sy ay 41. Observes wt | | cod.) Yj 42. Prophet