' St tel October 15 Front - H.M.Ermel, Master, P.Wintoneak, D.D.G.M., Bill Jones, D.D.G.M., Back - R.C.Skinner, V.G. - L.Olson, N.G.-D.L.Wilson, Fin.Secy. - A.W.Slater, Treasurer . Photo by Inez McCuaig GRAND MASTER VISITS IOOF LODGE HERE Schreiber Lodge, 1.0.O.F. No.402 were honored by a visit by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, | Arthur Burch, last week. Accompanying Mr. Burch from the Lakehead were Peter Wintoneak, District Deputy Grand Master, District 62, Fred McDonald, Regional Officer, Joe ' Graham and W.R.Black, all of Fort William, Mr. Burch addressed the Lodge, with the Rebekah Lodge and other visitors present, and later in the evening, during a social hour, enjoyed informal vis- its. Mrs .Burch accompanied her husband who remarked that theirs was indeed an Oddfellow family since his wife is treasurer of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario and a daughter is Noble Grand of Unitas Lodge in St .Cath erines. KINSMEN INSTAL OFFICERS George Riley, Deputy Governor, Kinsmen Clubs, District No.2, installed the following Schreiber Officers at their Octob er 5th meeting:- Tony Speziale, president - Gerry Godin, vice-president - Ray Guillet, secretary and Ralph Hewson, treasurer . Among events planned were a fuel oil draw, a cash-turkey draw-and the placing of a wreath on Remembrance day by Bill Weaver, past president. Ten members will attend a meeting of the Gerald- ton Club on October 21 when they will present the travelling trophy for inter-club attendance competi- tion. The Kinettes were guests at this dinner meeting held in the Schreiber Hotel. Rec Secretary A.Burch, Grand 1964 Prd Newly-formed Bro.of R.R.T. officers. Back - M. Didura, J.D.McGuire, Dennis Connelly and front, Fred M.Hill of London and J.M.Perrault. Photo: by, | Inez McCuaig B.OF R.R.T. ORGANIZED HERE The Brotherhood of Railway Running Trades held its organization meeting this week with Fred M.Hill of London, national president, here to present the Charter. Officers elected are:- J .M. Perrault, president, Michael Didura, vice-president, J.D.McGuire, recording secretary and Dennis Connelly, guard The B.of R.R.T., strictly a Canadian organization , with customary benefits, has, as the name implies, a membership from only the running trades of the railways, but it is expected other groups will be interested . Members and their wives met for. dinner in the Schreiber Hotel, following the meeting, when they were addressed by Mr. Hill who also invited an in- formal question period. SAFETY AWARDS PRESENTED TO TELEGRAPHERS The Order of Railway Telegraphers held a meeting in the High School Auditorium last week when they were presented with placques commending the order's achievements in maintaining high safety standards. The membership includes, as well as telegraphers and despatchers, agents and assistant. agents. The Gold Award, from the Canadian Industrial Safety Association signified one million, man work hours free of injury; the Silver .Award,.from the same association signified 365 injury-free working days and an additional award from.the Industrial Accident Prevention Association was to mark having worked five years without lost time from injuries. V .E.Everitt, CPR Superintendent and Harry ee continued _..