Pond: THE NEWS April 9. 1964 LADIES BONSPIEL (Cont'd from Page 1) Grace being pronounced by Mary Hale. Executive members and guests seated at the head table were introduced by M.C. Betty Bouchard as Ann Latour, Doris Arthur, Heron Bay.South, Alice Pollock, Pt. Arthur Country Club, Nettie Thrower, Schreiber, Norma Crockford, Gladys Davis, Dryden, Maxine Petzel, Ft. William, Ruby Moodie, Pt. Arthur Country Club, Ollie Kross, Marathon, Alma Burns, Sioux Lookout, Aggie Sinkins, Gladys Gordon, Nip- igon, Sylvia Duquette, President of the Terrace Bay Club, Marge Hamilton, Bonspiel Chairman, Lila Gray, Pt. Arthur, Secretary Treasurer of the Ontario Ladies Curling Council, Id& Romanuk, Terrace Bay, President of the Northwestern Ontario Ladies Curling Association and Chairman of the Ontario Ladies Curling Council, Aggie Paulsen, Muriel Nesbitt, Ft. William, Vivian Hanna, Mary Hale, Ollie Chapman, Ellen Hodgkiss, Jayne Coons and Isobel Marsh. Betty opened by inviting Ida Romanuk to make a few re- marks. Ida welcomed everyone and reminded them of the Provincial' Curling Championships to be held in Terrace Bay in 1965. Thanking her, Betty reiter- ated the invitation to attend the "Diamond D" in Terrace Bay next year, and mentioned the location of each rink represented at the Spiel that evening as coming from Marathon, Nipigon, Ft. William, Pt. Arthur, Dryden, Schreiber, Sioux Lookout, Heron Bay South besides the local representatives. Favors at each setting were through the courtesy of R. M. Black and Company and Kimberly-Clark Corporation. Several prizes were drawn for - hosiery from An- fords Ltd., nutdishes from Spadoni's and curling ash- trays from Chapples and the Frankie Caccamo rink of Schreiber won four steak dinners from the Plaza Restaurant. Barbara Haugh and her Terrace Bay rink were awarded silver trays from Seagrams as having scored the first largest end in the Spiel up to Banquet time. A very funny Minstrel Show was roundly applauded played out by Mary Hale, Phyl Kelty, Vivian Hanna Ollie Chapman and Heather Lafontaine. Further en- tertainment was provided in a Boy Scout "Be Pre~ pared" skit with Jayne Coons, Nat Coates, Vivian Hanna, Ollie Chapman and Evelyn Partington. Pianist for both acts was Ellen Hodgkiss. To the tune of "Thanks for the Memory" composer Jayne Coons and her cast sang their version dedicated to the occasion and mentioning each representative. Re- turning to the Curling Club, the Twilighters provided music for the curlers at their Saturday evening social MINOR BASEBALL NEWS (Cont'd from Page 7) As always, the question is not how many boys will register, but rather how many adults will help. Each year we have over 250 boys competing in twelve or more teams. Leagues run from ds early in May as - possible, to the end of June. This has proved the best method, as after the end of school, it is very difficult to run leagues. After that time, Allstar teams are formed for outside competition. For several years now, we have tried to form a Minor Baseball Association, similar to the Minor Hockey Association. Unfortunately, adult interest in baseball is not as great as that of the kids, so that all leagues and allstar teams are still handled by a very few. This year we'll try again. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! If you can assist in ANY way, contact the Recreation Office. Help us to keep baseball growing in Terrace Bay. COMMUNITY CHURCH L.A, MEET President Lois Hopper opened the April meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary Monday evening in the Terrace Bay Community Church by reading a poem entitled "I'm in the Executive Now". The Worship period was led by Lil Harris and Clara Gould ac- companied the opening hymn. Minutes and correspondence were read by Sec. June Schritt and Marilyn Chisholm gave the finan- cial statement. Convenors reporting were: Sick and Visiting Betty Sweet, Program Helen Farrell, Pro- perty Eva Haughn, Ways & Means Lil Harris. Mrs. Harris announced forthcoming projects as the Bake Sale this Saturday, the Rummage Sale to be convenec by May Dérland in May and a Card Party in June. Alice Farrow reported for the Manse Committee. A committee comprised of Norine Coe, Gertrude Soughton and Helen Brooks will investigate the in- creased cost of Bibles used for Christening gifts, re- porting back to the next meeting. Mrs. Soughton gave an interesting biography of Frances Havergal, the English hymn writer with several members of the Auxiliary singing selections of her works, Clara Gould, Edna Beddard and a duet by Elsie Berndtsson and Ellen Hodgkiss and by Mrs. Chadney's Intermediate Choir, each accompanied by Ellen Hodgkiss, and a reading by May Dorland. The program concluded with a singsong led by Ellen Hodgkiss and Lois Downey showed a film,'Fashions for '64". Spring salads and rolls were served and the tea collection was given to the Cancer Society. Mrs. Farrell announced the next meeting on May 4th will be in the form of a Pot Luck Supper when they will be joined by the C.G.1.T. girls. CURLING CLUB NEWS rr en The Men's Invitational Bonspiel will get under way Thursday evening and run through until Sunday afternoon. Twenty two rinks are entered from Terrace Bay and Schreiber and the others represent just about all points in Northern Ontario, from Chapleau dnd Sault Ste. Marie in the east to Kenora in the west. Two openings are left due to last minute cancellations. If anyone locally is interested contact Lou Duquette. The lounge is open to the public from Thursday evening right through the bonspiel except for the period from 5 P.M. to 7 P.M, Saturday, at which time the banquet luncheon takes place. Only parti- cipating curlers can attend the luncheon. The prizes for all four events are on display in the Credit Union window on the Plaza. ore ener renee manana In local competition, most of the division cham- pions have been decided. (Continued on Page 10)